Chapter 2

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Daniels POV

I regret leaving her there like that. It's been two hours and I miss her already. I was waiting outside my dad's office, so I could tell him about Alexis. Alexis. I love that name so much. Just thinking about it brings me joy and makes me feel all mushy and sentimental. Kind of like a girl. God dammit. Think like a man, think like a man. I kept on chanting it in my head until the door to my father's office opened.

A pack member and his mate walked out holding a baby in their arms. They must've just organised the introduction of the new addition to the pack. Whenever a new pack member is added or born, they must visit the Alpha (my father) so that he can organise and tell the pack so that we can have a ceremony to officially welcome them. My father stood in the doorway waving to the couple and then turning to me with raised eyebrows.

"Hey dad! I've got some news if you want to hear it?" I questioned. He gestured for me to have a seat in the chair in front of his desk. He closed the door and sat down behind his big mahogany desk. "If you got a girl pregnant, I have nothing to do with it" He said throwing his hands up as if he was surrendering. I glared at him and said, "No dad it's not that"

"I would hope its not. Being unfaithful like that, could possibly blow your chances with your mate" He said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Well it has something to do with that" I said. "Are you sleeping around?" He asked accusingly. "What?! No!" I said exasperated. I may not be a virgin but I only did it so I was experienced for when I found my mate.

"You mean to say that you found your mate but she rejected you because you told her that you weren't a virgin so she flipped out and dumped your sorry ass right then and there?!" He yelled dramatically. "Dad!" I yelled. "Sorry. Got caught in the moment. You were saying?" He asked composing himself.

"I found my mate" I stated seriously. His eyes lit up and I was happy because my dad was excited for me but then he ruined the moment. "And she rejected your sorry ass, am I right?!" He asked excitedly. I narrowed my eyes at him annoyed at how childish he was being. "No dad. She didn't reject me" Dad gasped.

"You rejected her didn't you! Oh my gosh! Your mother will not like this!" He shook his head, standing from his seat and heading towards the door. "Dad! No!" I said. He turned around to face me. "What?" He asked innocently. Oh my gosh, agh. "I didn't reject my mate" I said annoyed that this was taking so long. He walked back in and sat back down in his chair.

"Okay then" He said. I sighed happy that he was co-operating. "I did find my mate. Her name is Alexis Dalton" I smiled when I said her name. Dammit. She's turning me into a girl. Agh! Well at least she's worth it. She's beautiful with her long brown hair and green eyes and olive complexion. She was gorgeous. Correction: She IS gorgeous.

"Congratulations son! I'm proud of you" My father said after I had explained the whole Alexis situation, including the part where she has no father. "Now we just have to figure out when you are going to tell her she is a soon-to-be Luna" He said. I nodded. When my father steps down I will become the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. Which is our pack. So then Alexis will become the Blue Moon Luna.

"Yeah. I just gotta figure out when to tell her" I scrunched up my face, thinking of all the possibilities. What if I tell her and she freaks out. What if she leaves me? I couldn't bare the thought. "Well. It's your problem so you work it out" He said. "I was kinda hoping for support. Like 'Don't worry son, everything will be just fine' or 'She will accept it and be the best Luna ever'. You know that sort of stuff" I said mimicking his voice.

He chuckled. "You're just like your mother. Off you go, I have another meeting in two minutes" He stood up and guided me to the door. "Have fun and good luck" He said and walked down the hall into the meeting room. I sighed and walked to my room. I laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I was so lucky to have such a beautiful mate. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep dreaming about Alexis Dalton.

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