Chapter 8

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Daniels POV

Once I had dropped Alexis back at her house, I drove back to mine. I wanted to talk to my dad about Alexis becoming Luna. I walked inside my house and headed straight to my dads office. I knocked on the door gently. "Come in!" He shouted from the other side. I opened the door and walked in. I took a seat on the leather chair in front of his desk. "What's up, son?" He asked fiddling with the reading glasses in his hand.

"I wanted to talk to you about Alexis becoming Luna" I said intertwining my fingers. He nodded, understanding. "Okay. How did she handle the news?" He asked curiously. "Good. She didn't freak out or anything" I answered. "Good, good. Strength. That's a great quality in a Luna" I nodded proud of my mate. "When are you stepping down?" I asked. "When I think you are ready to lead a pack" He said smiling warmly.

We talked for a bit longer. Discussing pack issues and rogue spottings in other packs. There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" My father yelled. I turned around to see my mother at the doorway. She smiled at us. "Dinners ready. Come out and eat" She said. We both stood up and followed her out. No Werewolf could turn down the offer of food. We walked into the kitchen and sat at the island bench. "Let's dig in" Dad said rubbing his hands together.


Alexis POV

I woke up at 6:30pm and decided to call Morgan. I got up and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through my contacts and clicked on her profile. I hit the call button and waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" Morgan sounded alert and excited.
"Hey Morgan, how's it hanging?"
"Oh! hey! Just getting ready for a party"
"Sam says hi, by the way"
I laughed. "Hey Sam"
"She said hey, now go away" Morgan told Sam from the other end. "So want to come with us?" She asked.

"Okay" I smiled, I could use a bit of fun. "Great. We'll swing by and pick you up. Be ready in ten, bye" She hung up after that and I ran into the bathroom. I had a quick shower and ran into my closet wrapped in nothing but a towel. I shuffled through the racks of clothes. A black lace dress caught my eye. My mum had taken me shopping before we moved here so I would be stocked up for the new town.

The dress was beautiful. It stopped just above my knee and flowed out from my waist. The neckline showed a little bit of cleavage but not too much to make me look slutty. The collar had intricate swirl patterns all over it. I grabbed a small cream belt from my closet and wrapped it around my waist. I grabbed my cream coloured converse and slipped them on. I put a little bit of eyeliner on an some clear lipgloss. I let my hair down and it fell in soft waves.

A car honked out the front. I grabbed my purse and slipped my phone inside. I ran downstairs and saw my mum sitting on the couch watching The Mentalist. "Mum, I'm going out with Morgan and Sam. I'll be back before 11:00" I blew her a kiss. "Okay! Stay safe!" She yelled as I flew out the door. I ran down the driveway and slid into the back seat of Sam's car. "Hey girl" Morgan said. I smiled at her clicking my seatbelt on.

"Looking fine tonight, Miss Dalton" Sam wiggled his eyebrows in the rear view mirror. Morgan slapped his arm. "Shut up and drive" She said pointing a finger at him. He smiled sheepishly and pulled out of the driveway. "But he does have a point though. You look hot" We giggled and Morgan turned the radio on. 'A-Team' by Ed Sheeran came on and we all started singing along. Sam being the only one who was singing properly, and he was really good. I couldn't wait to get to the party.

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