Chapter 20

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Alexis POV

We walked through the door laughing. Mark with his arm slung over my shoulder, and Rhonda was laughing behind us. I stopped laughing abruptly. I looked around the room eyes wide. Candles were strung everywhere and the lights were dimmed. Daniel stood in a suit in the middle of the hall, looking extremely nervous. "Daniel? What's going on?" I asked confused. Mark removed his arm from my shoulder and dragged Rhonda out of the room. I watched Mark close the door, blowing us a kiss and waving goodbye. I turned back to face Daniel. He was watching me intently, wringing his hands. "Alexis, I have to ask you something". "Okay" I said nervously. "Now I'm not good at this sort of thing, when I was 9 I had to do a speech in front of my whole school. My parents were there in the front row. I ended up puking all over dad, he wasn't too pleased" He mumbled the last part and I laughed.

"But I'm gonna try anyway, for you" He smiled at me shyly and continued, "When I first met you, I thought you were perfect. And when I got to know you better I found out you weren't perfect, you were more than that. You were my everything. I don't want you to think this is because of the twins, it's not. I just love you so much and I wanted to do something to prove to you how much I love you, how much I need you" He paused and I waited. I didn't know what was coming, but my stomach was being flushed with butterflies. "Alexis Emilia Dalton. Will you marry me?" He asked. My eyes widened, and tears started to fall. I jumped at him and held onto him for dear life. "Yes" I whispered into his ear. He beamed at me and spun me around. How he did that with me being a pregnant whale, is unknown. "Thankyou" I whispered. "No. Thank you" He said and crashed his lips to mine.

I kissed him back and we just held each other for a moment. I felt a bump in my stomach. "Oh my gosh! They're kicking!" I squealed and held Daniel's hand to my stomach. He smiled down at my stomach and placed two kisses one for each boy. He looked up at me and smiled. The door opened, and Mark and Rhonda stepped back in. "The puke story is true. I was so embarrassed, having my own son puke on me. But I blamed the ugly kid in the second row, just looking at his face made me throw up in my mouth a little myself" Mark said pointing his finger inside his mouth, making a face. Rhonda slapped his arm. And walked over to us. She wrapped her arms around me and swayed me side to side. "Congratulations" She said smiling at me. "Thankyou. So were you two in on this?" I asked. She laughed and nodded. "Daniel wanted us to distract you. It worked didn't it?" She laughed.

"Come on, I arranged a pack dinner. So we can tell everyone. Come along kiddies" Mark said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the huge, elegant dining room. We walked into the room and the whole pack was there. This room was made to accommodate the entire pack, children and all. They all stood as we walked in. Mark sat me down next to him, and he sat at the head of the table. Rhonda was meant to sit where I am so I stood up to move. "No sweetheart it's fine, you sit there, I'll sit next to Daniel" Rhonda said pushing me back down into my seat. Daniel sat across from me and Rhonda joined him. Next to me was Eli, Mark's Beta, and Eli's mate, Delia, who was also pregnant with their third child. She smiled warmly at me and I waved back. Mark clinked his glass with his fork to get everyone's attention. "Good to see you came everyone. My favorite person, Alexis, has an announcement" He said. Rhonda cleared her throat as Mark sat down, "And that Daniel guy" Mark said rolling his eyes.

Daniel stood up and looked over to me, I nodded at him and he turned to the pack. "Uh-" He got cut off by Mark who jumped up and shouted, "THEY'RE ENGAGED!" The room erupted in cheers, and Daniel glared at his father. "What? You were taking too long" He shrugged as if it was nothing. Daniel sat down and crossed his arms over his chest. "Mark! Daniel wanted to tell them" Rhonda reprimanded. "But he was so slow" Mark whined. Rhonda rolled her eyes, and everyone continued chatting. "Congratulations Alexis" Delia said smiling at me. "Thank you" I said shyly. The dinner was soon over and everyone left to go home. "Goodnight Luna, Goodnight Alpha" Delia said respectfully, bowing curtly and leaving out the door. Eli nodded to us and walked out after Delia.

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