Chapter 18

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Alexis POV

Today I decided to have a couple of hours with Daniels parents. We had decided to go to the mall, (well Daniel did, he didn't want them bringing out any baby photos). I parked in their driveway and waddled to the door. I had grown so big already and I'm only 2 months into my pregnancy. Two babies is way harder than one. Daniel wouldn't get off my back it's sweet but extremely frustrating. I got out of the shower yesterday and he was sitting in a chair in the corner just staring waiting for me to come out. I nearly jumped through the roof.

I knocked on the door and waited. Daniel had gone to a meeting earlier so I had the whole day to spend with his parents. "MARK!!!!! GET THE DOOR!!!!" I could here Rhonda through the door. "NO! YOU GET THE DOOR!" Mark yelled back. "GET THE DOOR MARK! OR YOU'LL BE SLEEPING OUTSIDE!" Rhonda practically screamed. "THATS FINE WITH ME! ALL MY BEST FRIENDS ARE OUTSIDE! LIKE WALTER!" Mark screamed. "WALTER'S A FISH MARK!" "WELL HE'S AN AMAZING FRIEND AND I SHALL NEVER ABANDON HIM!"

The door swung open and I burst out laughing. Mark looked at me and then pulled me into a bear hug. "Great to see you too. How's the babies?" He asked. "Good. How's Walter?" I giggled. He childishly poked his tongue out at me and dragged me inside. He shut the door and Rhonda walked around the corner. "Hey Alexis. How's the family going?" She asked. "Pretty good. I see you've redecorated" I looked around the lounge room. Rhonda had re-painted the walls with a light grey and added heaps of candles and white pillows on the lounge.

"Well I do like to shake it up a little" She winked and walked into the kitchen. "I painted those walls by the way, so don't think she did the hard work. Do you know how many times I had to move the couch so it was in 'the perfect spot'? Like 900 times!" He nodded his head like he achieved something. "Oh quit your whining! It was two times!" Rhonda rolled her eyes. "Pfft...nah" I could see where Daniel gets it from. "Go get your jacket and then we'll go" Rhonda talked to him like he was two. Mark glared at her and walked upstairs grumbling along the way.

"Come on let's go" Rhonda and I walked out to the car and waited for Mark to lock up the house. Mark walked over to the car and winked at us. I giggled and jumped into the back seat. Rhonda got in the passenger side and Mark jumped in to the drivers seat. We drove to the mall chatting about random things like the weather and what we would call the babies (Mark suggested that they both be named Mark). Then eventually Mark turned on the radio and started singing (terribly might I add) until Rhonda hit him over the head with a magazine.


We've been at the mall for seven hours straight. My feet were killing me and my back was aching. "Okay last stop. Then we're going home" Rhonda said walking out of the small boutique she was browsing through. "Awwwwwww....whaaaaaaaaat" Mark whined. It seemed he enjoyed shopping more than me. Rhonda rolled her eyes at him. "Tell you what we'll go to Ziggy's and you can buy whatever CDs you want" Rhonda said patting his head like he was a two year old. "Yessssssss" he fist pumped the air and ran into a store that looked like a party room or something.

Music was playing loudly and there was a disco ball and a small stage with a DJ stand. There was bright colored lights flashing all around the room. Mark jumped onto the stage and tackled the DJ to the ground. They both flew back and thudded to the ground. "BENNY!!!!!!" Mark practically screamed. Mark seamed drunk but was completely sober. Rhonda told me he was always like this, he was the fun-loving alpha. A goth looking guy about the same age as Mark, walked up to us and gave Rhonda a hug. "Rhonda how are you?" He asked. He looked over at Mark who had now started doing the Macarena in the middle of the small dance floor.

"He still hasn't changed" He laughed. We all laughed as we watched Mark improvise the steps. He had completely reinvented the dance moves and was now doing the worm on the floor. "HEY MARK! DID YOU MISS ME?!" He yelled. Mark looked up and ran towards him. He jumped on him bringing him to the floor. "ZIGGY!!!!!" He screamed squeezing him to death. "How've ya been buddy?" Ziggy asked. "Great! Come dance with me!" He said attempting to drag Ziggy to the dance floor. "Nah. I can't, I'm too tired" He said, removing Mark's arm from his shoulders. Mark pouted. "Awwwww........Lexi! You'll dance with me right?!"

He jumped towards me but didn't tackle me. I was glad he was protecting the babies, I don't think being smashed into a floor is very good for a pregnant woman. "Umm....I don't think I should-" He cut me off, "Great! Let's go!" He dragged me to the dance floor. And shouted to the DJ, Benny, "BENNY! Put on that song that I like! I forgot the name but you know it right?!" He yelled over the loud music. The speakers were huge on either side of the dance floor. I didn't think the noise was too good for the babies. Benny started playing Timber by Kesha & Pitbull.

"ITS GOING DOWN! IM YELLING TIMBERRRRR! YOU BETTER MOVE! YOU BETTER DANCE! I'LL MAKE A NIGHT, YOU WONT REMEMBER! I'LL BE THE ONE YOU WONT FORGET!" He sang, moving his arms like a jellyfish. I turned and looked at Rhonda helplessly. She laughed and came over to us. "Come on Mark, we gotta go" She said wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "But you said you would buy me all the CDs I want!" He whined. "Hey, I said you could have them, I never said I was paying for it!" She said laughing. She lead me to the counter where Ziggy was standing. Mark ran around the store grabbing random CDs and jumping over the isles.

"MARK YOU HAVE 1 MINUTE LEFT SO HURRY UP!" Rhonda yelled over the music. Mark shrieked and grabbed a few more CDs then sprinted to the counter. He dropped the CDs and they scattered all over the table. "Taylor Swift?" Ziggy laughed picking up a CD. Mark scowled at him and crossed his arms over his chest defensively. "I'll have you know she is an amazing singer and I don't care what you think, I love her" Ziggy burst out laughing and Rhonda rolled her eyes. "Come on, let's go" Rhonda led me out with Mark on our trail holding six bags worth of CDs. "Let's get home before Daniel tries to murder us" Mark sang skipping past us like a little school girl. We laughed at him and followed him to the car park.

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