Chapter 28

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Fear: concern or anxiety; solicitude: a fear for someone's safety.

Aiden was in hospital overnight and he was still sick. Isaac had been given his shots and went home with Dan. I stayed here the whole time. I didn't want to leave him. He was so small and fragile and I feared he wouldn't make it through this. The doctor said he was teetering on stable and needed to stay until they were sure he would stay stable. "Good morning, bubba" I whispered to him as his eyes started opening. He wiggled in his bed and looked up at me. His nose and cheeks were red from crying and he was still pale.

"Babe, I was talking to the doctor on the way in," Dan said kissing me on the cheek. "And?" I prompted. "She said he was stable enough to go home this afternoon. Hey little guy" He whispered down at Aiden. He gurgled at him and waved his tiny fist. He was gorgeous. "That's great! What time?" I asked. "Calm down, sweetheart. There's no rush. I know you want him home, and you both need a good nights sleep. But, we can't rush him out of here straight away. Be patient" He intertwined our fingers and kissed my forehead.

I leaned into him, and breathed in his scent. "I took Isaac to the cove yesterday afternoon" He whispered. "Did he like it?" I asked. He nodded, "He loved it, I even got him in the water. I reckon we have a little surfer on our hands" He chuckled. I smiled. "Where is Isaac?" I asked, looking around him. "With dad" He said. "Is that safe?" I asked, incredulously. He laughed. "Course it is, dad's great with kids. He's teaching Isaac the alphabet right now as we speak" He said. "Isaac isn't even a month old yet, how do you expect him to learn the alphabet?" I asked.

"He's alpha born, they always mature faster and learn quickly. He'll be a natural" He said. I sighed and looked over at Aiden. "Do you think he's going to be okay?" I asked. "Sure he is, he's my son" He said cockily. I rolled my eyes. "Jerk" I muttered and walked to the door. "I'm gonna go grab something to eat, you stay here and watch him" I said and walked off to the cafeteria.

I could really use a sandwich.


"Be gentle with him" I glared at Mark. "I am!" He whined. "You just wrenched him out of his carrier after he's been in hospital for two days!" I yelled exasperatedly. "It was a day and a half, to be exact" He said, rolling his eyes. I huffed and Dan rubbed my shoulder. "Calm down Lex, he's fine. Go have a nap on the couch and I'll watch dad" He said and I felt my feet shuffling to the couch. I laid down and closed my eyes. I really do need some sleep. All this worrying is weighing me down.

After a good nap, I felt refreshed and was ready to get back to caring for my two boys. I walked into the living room and found Mark laying on the floor with Isaac and Aiden crawling over his back. Crawling. Over. His. Back.


"Oh my god" I said. Daniel walked into the room and stood next to me. "Oh yeah, they started crawling this morning. Told you they develop faster" He said, sounding unsure. "How long was I out for?" I asked. He scratched the back of his neck. "Six, maybe seven hours" Mark said nonchalantly. My mouth flew open and my eyes widened. I had been asleep that long? No wondered I missed them crawling. I turned to Dan and he looked frightened. "You didn't wake me up to see my sons crawl for the first time" I hissed between my teeth. His eyes widened and he started backing up and I followed him. "I didn't want to wake you"

"You are dead meat Daniel Rover"

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