Chapter 29

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Daniel POV

I am so nervous right now. Tomorrow is our wedding day. I haven't seen Alexis for a whole week because it was 'bad luck'. Ridiculous. The twins were staying with my parents and are staying there while we are on our honeymoon. I refused to tell Alexis where we were going, I wanted it to be a surprise. I was taking her to Hawaii, she was always telling me that she loves the place. We were going to be away for six weeks.

Alexis was having trouble with that idea. She didn't want to be away from the twins for too long. This week alone was killing her. I was in a tux shop, with Wayne. He was going to be my best man, and was helping me pick out my tux. It was last minute shopping on our part, him wasting my time by dragging me to bars and strip clubs claiming that I needed to let loose before I was tied down. I just ignored him, but got dragged to bars anyway.

"Nope, that one makes you look fat" He said, from the reflection in the mirror. I rolled my eyes at him and went back into the change rooms. I tried on a grey suit and walked back out. Wayne was flirting with the cashier girl and was oblivious to my entrance. "Wayne...Wayne...WAYNE!" I shouted. He jumped and spun around. His eyes widened and he whistled. "Look at you, you sly devil" He said.

I looked in the mirror, not sure. "Do I look okay? I don't look stupid, do I?" I asked, anxiously. He shook his head and walked over to me. "You look snappy" He said, approvingly. I sighed with relief and turned to the cashier girl. "I'll take this one, please" I said. She smiled at me and went to the cashier. I walked back into the stall and changed back.

I brought out the suit and placed it on the table, watching the girl fold it and put it into a box. "That's $295.99, thanks" She said. I pulled out my wallet and handed her my card. After paying, we walked out and headed back to the hotel. "Alrighty, let's get our booze on" Wayne said and walked to the car.

* * * *

Alexis POV

Today is the day. I'm finally getting married. I haven't seen Daniel for a week and it's killing me. I miss him and I miss my boys, but I know I will see them again at the ceremony and then again at dinner. I'm sitting in front of the vanity in the room. We hired this beautiful vineyard for the wedding. It had a big house, where we were holding the dinner. And the ceremony was in the backyard.

The backyard was gorgeous. There was a Grecian style white marble pergola with vines wrapped along the top, shading it and providing a roof. The floor was marble as well with black swirls in it. Trees were surrounding it and then there was a little clearing where the chairs were placed for our families to sit. There was an arch of orchids at the front of the procession, where Daniel and I would say 'I do'.

The aisle had a white carpet from the pergola to the arch, for me to walk down. I refused to wear heals even though Morgan begged me. I decided on my white convers, because my dress is long enough to hide them. Morgan was horrified by my choice and I had to explain to her that I was going to be standing all day.

Rhonda was behind me doing my hair, as my mother stood in front of me doing my makeup. "You look beautiful, your father would be so proud" My mother said, tears starting to fall. I smiled at her, and she patted my shoulder. Rhonda braided my hair and stuck little daisies into it. "My boy is so lucky to have you Alexis. Just make sure he remembers that" She whispered kissing my cheek.

I sighed and looked over at my mum. She was looking at the floor, clearly upset that my father couldn't be here to see me. It suddenly hit me. Tears started falling down my face. Rhonda kneeled down beside me and wiped away my tears with a tissue. "What's wrong sweetheart?" She asked. "I can't get married" I sobbed. "Why not?" She frowned. "Because there's no one to walk me down the aisle" She smiled at me, and turned to Morgan.

"Morgan, darling. Would you please go and fetch Mark?" She asked. Morgan nodded and walked out of the room. Rhonda pulled me into a hug and consoled me. The door burst open and Mark strutted in. "How may I help? Is someone dying?" He looked towards me, and frowned. "Why is the bride in tears?" He pointed at me and looked around at everyone else. "Mark have you been drinking?" Rhonda asked. "I might have had a couple of glasses of scotch" He grinned at her, and she rolled her eyes. "You're hanging around your brother, aren't you?" She asked. He snickered.

"Well, are you going to topple over if you try and walk?" She asked. He shook his head, "I can hold my scotch Rhonda" He said. "Alexis needs you to walk her down the aisle" Mark looked up startled. He pointed at himself and turned around, as if looking for someone else. "Me?" He asked. "Yes you" She said. "I would be honored to walk my daughter down the aisle" He wiggled his eyebrows at me, emphasizing 'daughter'.

"Okay, don't be nervous" Mark said holding out his hand. I took it, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "You look terrified, calm down" He whispered. The truth is, I am terrified. I took a few breathes to relax myself and closed my eyes. "Okay, let's do this" I said, still a little bit nervous. He smiled at me and we started walking to the pergola. We were half way through the pergola when everyone stood up. My hands started shaking and Mark squeezed my arm.

He guided me down the steps and started towards the arch. I slowly looked up and saw Daniel. He looked dashing in his suit, hair styled and hands clasped together in front of him. He kept looking at me and grinning. This was it. We were finally getting married. I smiled back at him, Mark leading me to him. Mark handed Daniel my hand and kissed my cheek, walking to stand in front of his chair, next to Nathaniel his twin brother. Daniel held both my hands and the priest started to speak.

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