Chapter Seven

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Kendli stood before the Council, stern faces staring back at her. Then she saw Vadmar’s grinning face and the corners of her mouth lifted ever so lightly.

She cleared her throat and looked back at the Council. “I was sent on a mission by the Elven Mother…” She bowed to Mother Quinn. “…to find a human worthy of becoming a dragon rider. I have found a girl with modest beginnings, but I believe that she will rise above them. Members of the Council, may I present Miss Minki Straddle.”

She sat down.

Minki entered with slow, steady steps. Her heart raced and her limbs trembled. The elves were tall, looking down at her with judging expressions on their sharp faces. Vadmar nodded and smiled at her. Kendli was a picture of calm.

Minki gulped, took a deep breath and stepped into the centre of the room. All eyes were on her. Pessimistic conversations rose, but were silenced as the Queen rose. “Introduce yourself.”

Minki took another steadying breath. “My name is Minki Straddle, I am fifteen years old-’’

Whispers went up and Kendli held out a firm hand. “Need I remind you that it is seventy-five in elven years?” They were silenced.

Minki nodded gratefully. “Look I know that you are not fans of humankind, but not all of us are like the King. I may be young, even by human standards, but I am not ignorant.”

A really old lady stood up and all the elves bowed their heads in submission. She pointed an arthritic finger at Minki. “She is the one; the Rider.”

Kendli gave a discreet sigh of relief and beamed at Vadmar. He gave her a thumbs-up, looking very child-like. She saw her mother’s disapproving glare, but chose to ignore it.

Queen Ezmaria stood up. “We shale perform the Ceremony-’’

Mother Quinn shook her head. “We must get the royal children here first.”

Kendli frowned, trying to remember what her mother had said about the Prince and Princess coming around.

Ezmaria nodded. “I propose that we assign Minki with escorting them here. It will then also serve as a loyalty and trustworthiness test.”

“Me? What am I supposed to do?” This came from a distraught Minki.

“You must build some form of a relationship with the Prince and Princess and, if you deem them honest, the dragon can teleport you here. Only hatched dragons have that power, so you have fortune on your side, Straddle.”

Lurak rose. “Your Majesty, can we trust this child with such an important task?”

“Lurak, we must learn to trust Minki. It has been decided.”

He remained standing. “I am sorry, my Queen, but you do not possess that authority. The law states that another Council member must second the suggestion and then a vote must be called.”

Kendli sighed, rolled her eyes and stood up. “I second the proposal.”

A vote was taken. Minki would travel to the palace.

“Lector! Lector, they’re coming!”

He was on his way to the barn, when Jenna bounded out toward him. She had been talking to Sila.

“The elves… They contacted Sila and they’re sending someone. She’s going to pretend to be the daughter of one of Mother’s old friends and she’s on her way.”

Minki woke up in the elven palace, where she had been staying for the past few days. It was the morning of her departure.

Kendli’s room’s door was open. Minki made her way to the doorway. “Kendli?”

The elven Princess spun around. She was so stunning. “Minki?”

“I- I’m a little scared.”

Kendli’s expression remained neutral. “Of?”

“Travelling to the palace alone, doing this whole mission alone.”

Kendli hesitated, then took a step closer, still at the other side of the room. “Minki, you will need a lot of bravery for what lies ahead. See this mission as preparation for the future.”

Minki smiled. “Thanks, Kendli.”

Still no facial expression. “Good luck.”

“Zorak, what are you doing here?”

The blonde commander shrugged. “The Queen decided to give her dragon to me. She says that she has enough responsibilities as it is.”

Kendli nodded. “Well, it is only fitting that the general of our army has a dragon. You will make an excellent rider.”

“Thank you, Princess.”

They were in a small room at the back of the museum, where the dragon eggs were kept at the right temperature to withhold them from hatching before the Ceremony.

Kendli, Zorak and Vadmar each had to choose a dragon egg and Minki would receive the remaining one.

There were four- white, red, green and gold. Vadmar smiled. “Well, I know which one I want.”

Kendli shook her head. “Zorak, you may pick one first.”

“The golden one.”

She smiled. ‘Good choice. Thank you, General.”

He disappeared and Vadmar grinned. “I get it; you let him choose first so we could be alone.”

Kendli rolled her eyes. “I let him choose first, because I didn’t want him to feel like we were using our superior status to force a decision on him. Besides, he didn’t choose red, so you’re safe.”

Vadmar half-frowned. “How’d you know I’d choose that one?”

“Because I know you; it matches your personality.”

He smiled playfully. “Because I’m hot?”

“No, because you’re a danger sign. Come on, let’s go.”

“Wait; which one did you pick?”



She shrugged. “It goes with my eyes.”

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