Chapter Fifteen

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Sorry, Kendli, but there is no way of getting over this wall. It’s built higher than even a dragon can fly. We wouldn’t be able to breathe up there.

Zaria opened her thoughts to the group, who let out an unanimous sigh of despair. Kendli chose to speak only to her dragon. You know what this means, right?

Yes, this was built by the-

“Well, then we just need to find a way through.” This came from a cheery Vadmar, who had an arm around lovesick Jenna.

Kendli rolled her eyes. “Right, because with you, there’s always a way, isn’t there? Well, the logical course of action would be to retrace our steps and-’’

“Sorry to interrupt, but Vadmar might be right. This place was created as an obstacle course that would only let the worthy pass. So perhaps there’s a spell we can do, a hidden door or something like that?”

“Minki’s right.” Eyes shot over to Lector, who examined the stone wall closely. “I found golden orbs set into the rock. Look, it goes up into a half-circle, each with a unique symbol underneath.” When they looked, the whole group noticed the seven golden circles arch up in a horizontal crescent.

Kendli went down on her knees to inspect the first orb. After rubbing away the layer of dust, she found three squiggly lines, which, no doubt, symbolised water. She took out her flask and wiped some water across the golden surface.

The orb transformed from a faded metal, to a bright circle that reflected the brilliant sunlight.

She made towards the second sphere, but Jenna was already there. “This one looks like a heap of dirt- or maybe a rock.” She picked up a handful of dirt, rolling it along the orb’s exterior. It took on a glistening appearance.

The third one on the left was air. Vadmar transformed it by simply blowing on the gold.

Lector moved on to the right side. “Fire. Well, that should be easy, considering the amount of dragons we have around.” King took care of it.

Minki frowned at the next globe. “I don’t know what this symbol means.”

Kendli came up next to her and saw a marking she knew all too well. It graced the doors, windows and steps of every official building in Casmera. The symbol looked like an upside-down horseshoe with spikes lining the outer edge and a large circle in its centre.

“Magic. That’s the ancient sign for magic.” Kendli caressed the orb with the tips of her fingers, letting her magic through. It transformed.

The sixth orb only required dragon’s breath to activate and soon, only the highest sphere was left. The symbol was unknown to the group. It was the letter ‘T’ with a streak through its leg and fine lines on top.

After hours of trying different things and brainstorming, Minki finally had an idea. She went straight to Kendli, who sat with Zaria, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

“Princess Kendli?”

The elf looked up, disoriented by the disruption of her thoughts. She raised her eyebrows in reply. “I think I know what the symbol might mean.” Kendli’s eyes lit up.

“This place was created by elves, right? And what’s one of the most important things to elves? Nature. I don’t know exactly what, but-’’

Kendli gasped. “Forest horses.”


Without explaining, she got up. Minki frowned after her.

“Vadmar, I need you to help me attract Forest horses.”

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