Chapter Eighteen

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-Week 1 of Minki’s training-

“This is a very basic spell. It is used to pick up and hurl an object- any object. So, the words are:

Objects here, objects where

Lift up and go there.

“You basically point at the object, recite the incantation, point to where you want it to go and voila. Let me show you.”

Minki watched attentively as Vadmar lifted a pebble and sent it flying into the river. A clearing bordering Casmera’s main water source served as their training ground.

“Okay, quickly just say the spell.” Minki nodded.

“Objects here, objects there

Get up and go there.”

Vadmar shook his head. “It’s: Objects here, objects where; lift up and go there.”

“Oh okay.”

“Now say the words and pretend to use it on that boulder over there.”

Minki’s lessons were mostly theoretical, as she did not have magic yet.

“Good, Minki; that was perfect.”

-Week 3-

“Are you sure there are no side-effects?” Lector asked Zorak sceptically.

The blonde elf nodded. “I promise. You said you wanted to continue your fencing; this spell will give you the strength and agility of an average elf. Don’t worry; it wears off after twenty minutes or so. The spell just evens out the odds a bit whilst training.”

Lector hesitated, but finally gave in with a nod. “Alright, work your magic.”

Zorak mumbled a few inaudible words and everything around Lector slowed down a little. He could feel the power in his muscles and smiled. “Wow. Is this how elves feel all the time? It’s great.”

“Let’s test it.”

Lector nodded, unsheathed his sword and moves around in order to acclimate to his new abilities.

Zorak engaged. After an eighteen-minute series of complicated thrusts and parries, the spell started to wear off.

Lector ended up with his sword against his opponent’s throat, but also felt the cold steel of Zorak’s blade against his own. They were equals.

Zorak nodded. “I must give some credit to the human knights- they trained you well. I am the Army Commander, but you want a challenging fight, you should face the Princess.”

Lector frowned. “Kendli?”

Zorak nodded. “She’s embarrassed me quite a few times.”

“So to make fire, you say…?”

“Sparkle, sparkle, burn it bright

Make a fire, give us light.”

Vadmar beamed. “That’s correct. You are really getting the hang of this magic thing. Now you know how to summon all the elements. Remember, just concentrate on what you want each element to do and it will obey.”

Minki nodded.

-Week 6-

“Now we can finally start with using magic on living things. We’ll begin by influencing a plant’s growth. I brought in an expert to demonstrate.”

Kendli smiled. “I don’t know if I could be considered an expert, but I have done this spell quite a few times.”

She showed Minki to a flower patch and demonstrated, letting a sunflower grow by several inches in an instant.

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