Chapter Nine

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Kendli heard a crash and ran outside… And there stood the first free dragon Kendli had seen in many years.

“Wow. You are so stunning.”

She went closer and touched the dragon’s leg. I know. Thank you.

It is a true pleasure. Might I be blessed with your name?


Lovely name.

She discovered the humans behind Sila and the moment immediately lost its magic. One of them was Minki. There was also a young girl with black hair and a boy with green eyes: the human royals.

She put on a fake smile. “Princess Jenna and Prince Lector.”

The girl held out a hand. “It is a true honour, Princess Kendli.”

Lector’s eyes widened. “Princess Kendli? You’re the elven Princess?”

“I am. Welcome to Casmera. Sila, I will escort you to the dragonhouse. It will be your home, but you are free to explore as much as you desire.”

“How do you know her name?” This came from the Princeling.

Kendli sighed in annoyance. ‘She told me.”

“She talked to you already?”

“Of course. Elves and dragons are deeply connected through history and magic. Minki, take them inside. Mother will show you to their rooms.”

“Don’t you have servants to do that?” Lector asked.

“We do not have servants. Elves do not believe in others doing their bidding.”

The elf, who had introduced himself as Vadmar, was smiling broadly. “Before Minki officially becomes a dragon rider, I thought it would be a good idea to show you some of Casmera’s treasures.”

Lector was excited. He had rarely been outside the palace grounds and now he found himself in the most magical place in Lomova.

“So, please follow me to the training grounds.”

He smiled. “Finally, some fighting. I’d like to continue my swordsmanship training. I heard that elves are the best opponents.”

Kendli shook her head. “We’re actually the worst, because we defeat you before you’ve even had a chance to start training.”

Jenna nodded. She was walking next to Vadmar, Kendli on his other side.. “Elves are faster, stronger and move with unimaginable grace.”

Vadmar nodded at her. “Impressive.”

She shrugged. “I did my homework.”

He winked at her. Lector whispered to Minki, “Look at the two lovebirds.”

She shook her head. “Kendli would freak out.”

He frowned. “They’re a couple?”

“No, but Kendli hates humans.”

“And here’s our last stop.”

Minki frowned. They were staring at a grass plain. “What are we looking at?”

Vadmar whispered, “Wait for it.”

Then she heard a soft rumble that got progressively louder and deeper. The earth trembled under her feet.

And then she saw it: a herd of deer stampeding past them, creating gusts that whipped through Minki’s hair. But the mesmerising part was the figures running between them.

They were tall and unthinkably lean. They were as fast as the deer and moved with impossible grace. Their caramel faces extended into their large, fiercely pointed ears. They wore tight brown leather outfits and their black hair billowed out behind them. One word- magical.

“Wow.” Lector said it before the others could.

Kendli smiled- actually smiled. “The Wood Elves. Us High Elves, we are at peace with nature, but the Wood Elves live only on what they earth provides them with.”

“They’re stunning.” This came from Jenna.

“Consider yourselves lucky; few humans have ever seen them, especially with the herd.” Typical Kendli, reminding everyone how privileged they were to even be in her company.  


More than a hundred reads... Thank you, guys. I really appreciate everyone reading this. Comments will be appreciated. The photo is the closest to a Wood Elf, but it's not really how I imagined them so use your imagination. Thank you. :)


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