Chapter Eight

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The Queen had summoned Lector and Jenna to the living-room. “I have news. My old friend, Charlotte, sent me a letter. I haven’t spoken to her in over seventeen years. She’d love to pay a visit, but has too many responsibilities at home. So, she’s sending her daughter to come stay with us for a few days. Her daughter is fifteen and named Minki. I want the two of you to make her feel at home. She arrives tomorrow, so please be on your best behaviour.”

Jenna smiled and winked at Lector behind her mother’s back. “We look forward to having her, Mother.”

Minki was in a corseted, floor-length dress, riding in a golden carriage drawn by four fine white horses. She was Minki Winston, the daughter of a Duke, after all.

She peeped out the small window as they went through the silver gates. The castle itself was an enormous grey stone structure- beautiful and intimidating.

The drop door opened and they came to a halt. A young man in a black suit opened her door and bowed low as she got out. “Miss Winston, welcome to the Royal Estate.”

Minki smiled. “Thank you.”

“I will escort you to where the royal family is waiting. Unfortunately, the King is not able to welcome you.”

“I understand; the King is a busy man. I didn’t get your name?”

He seemed surprised. “Dimitri, milady.” He held out an arm and she took it.

“Pleased to meet you, Dimitri.”

The Queen and her children waited in the living-room, sitting on lavishly decorated couches.

Queen Genevive stood up, smiling broadly. Minki curtsied. “Oh no, dear, none of that is required. Pleased to meet you, Minki.”

“It is an honour, Your Majesty.”

A girl a few centimetres taller than Minki, stood up next. She was stunning, with raven hair, large brown eyes and pouting lips.

“Princess, Jenna. Pleased to meet you.” Even her voice was attractive.

Minki smiled and air-kissed the Princess’ cheeks, as she had seen rich people do.

“The pleasure is mine, Princess.”

“Call me Jenna.”

A young man was next in line. As their eyes met, the breath was driven from her lungs. He was a head taller than she, with textbook dark blonde hair and mesmerising green eyes. He was even more handsome than his silver coined replica.

He stared at her for a few seconds, before bowing slightly. His smile made her head spin. “Lector. Charmed.”

She smiled dreamily and curtsied. “A pleasure.”       

Lector couldn’t believe his eyes. This girl was gorgeous. She had flawless fair skin, luscious honey blonde hair, striking blue eyes, a petite nose and perky…full…lips. He couldn’t keep his eyes off those lips.

“Mother, I would be happy to show Minki to her room… Follow me.”

Lector closed the door behind him. “I take it you’re from Casmera?”

She smiled. That smile. “Actually, I come from a farm near Likow and I’ve only been in Casmera for two days- But yes, the elves sent me.”

“Likow. That’s a pretty poor town, right?” Oh no. Did I really just say that?

She looked down and cleared her throat. “Yes, it is.”

“I’m really sorry. I was thinking out loud- Not that I think- I meant no offense.”

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