Chapter Seventeen

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“You did well, child.”

Kendli couldn’t supress a proud smile as she bowed. “Thank you, Mother Quinn.”

She was once again in the kitchen/ living-area of the Elven Mother’s home. The ancient elf smiled fondly. “I see that you took my advice; you opened your heart.”

Kendli nodded, still grinning. “And I have never felt as free. You truly are the wisest in Lomova, Mother.”

Mother Quinn chuckled. “I am only an old woman with centuries of experience.”

“Mother… We have the Weapon, so what do we do now?”

“You teach Minki to use magic.”

Kendli’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “What?”

“The Wielder must possess magic.”

“Surely Vadmar or I, who already exercise sorcery could-’’

“No. Minki’s hand opened the chamber; the Weapon will only respond to her.”

Containing her need to protest, Kendli nodded and bid Mother Quinn farewell with a curt bow.

Vadmar awaited her outside the door, looking up at Zaria and Tato’s soaring silhouettes. He smiled as she exited. “Hey, what did Mother Quinn say?”

“That, in order for the Weapon to work, we need to teach Minki magic.”

They followed the path. “Good, so let’s begin. The sooner we can harness the power from the Weapon of Saldor, the sooner we can march to the king’s palace and-’’

“Don’t you have any reservations about this?”

Vadmar frowned. “Trepidations about what?”

“Minki using magic.”

“Why would I be scrupulous about that?”

“Because she’s a human.”

Vadmar halted. “I think she’s clearly proven that she’s much more than just another human.”

Kendli sighed and turned to face him. “When humans receive magical power, it never ends well.”

He smiled reassuringly and took her hand. “Minki is not Ceaser. She loves King and will do anything in her power to help free the dragons. Minki won’t abuse her ability.”

She sighed. “Alright, but will you please be her teacher? I’d rather not.”

He nodded and slung and arm around her shoulder. “Of course. I just have no idea where I should start.”

“Don’t worry; I’ll set up the syllables.”

“So that was when Hildegard decided to switch the King’s ale with her own… concoction. I’ll never forget the loom on his face when he took a gulp.”

Lector chuckled and Minki smiled at him. Then they heard a girl giggle. They looked ahead on the forest path, which was the main road in Casmera.

They stood still, silently watching Jenna and Zorak approaching them, hand in hand. “Bakson sounds like a very spirited young dragon, but then again, he is only a reflection of his rider.”

Zorak nodded. “I couldn’t have asked for a better companion.”

“Anyway, here’s my brother and Minki. I’ll see you later this afternoon.”

They kissed goodbye and Zorak disappeared onto another trail. Lector smirked. “I see that your broken heart didn’t last very long.”

Jenna chuckled. “Like you said, I’m not that kind of girl.”

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