Chapter Twenty

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“Well, I’ll see you again when all this is over, Rider.”

Minki surprised herself by throwing her arms around Vadmar. “Thank you for everything. I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

“You won’t.”

Vadmar wriggled loose and moved away to envelop Kendli in a bear hug. She buried her head in his chest. “Promise me you won’t die.”

“Hey, you know me- always careful.”

She rolled her eyes and he chuckled. “I promise. I promise everything will be perfect when we get back.”

Kendli l.ooked up and Minki swore that she saw tears in the Princess’ eyes. “I love you, Vadmar.”

“I love you too, but nothing is going to happen to me.”

Someone touched Minki’s shoulder and she spun around to face Lector. “Hey, aren’t you going to kiss your boyfriend goodbye before he goes off to war?”

She chuckled, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with a smile on her face. “I am going to kill you if you die today.”

“Then I guess I’d better not die.”

“Goodbye, Lector. I love you.”

“I want you to drive that sword through my father’s heart. Kill him for good.”

“I will.”

Soon, only Kendli, Zaria, Minki and King remained. Kendli nodded at Minki. “You ready to fly?”

“I have one stop to make beforehand. Fly slowly and I won’t be late.”

As the elven Princess mounted her dragon, she asked, “Not getting cold feet, are we?”

“No. I’ll be there. I won’t let you down, Kendli.”

“See you in the King’s Room, hopefully with a dying Ceaser Vincent at our feet.”

Are you sure that you want to do this?

Yes, I need to see my dad. He needs to know what happened.

I know.

King circled above Ardeaux, landing in front of Minki’s old house. It was a tight fit, but he made it.

The farm people flocked to the dragon and stared in awe. Some children even risked a touch. Trusting King to take care of himself, Minki ventured into the white shack she had once called home.

It was a Saturday and she found her father fixing the weathered hearth, unaware of the commotion outside. She was also surprised to see her mother knitting at the other side of the room.

Sophia Straddle’s face was utter shock as her daughter entered. “Minki…”

Her father spun around and was finally aware of her presence. His blue eyes filled with tears and he let his tools fall on the floor, running to embrace her.

“Oh, Minki, you’re alright.”

She smiled, silent tears streaming down her cheeks. “Yeah, Dad, I’m fine.”

Vadmar, Lector, Tato and Sila had cleared the western side of the palace and had reached the stairs that led to the Queen’s quarters.

Lector stopped. “I’ll take her to the barn. Go; I’ll catch up.”

Vadmar nodded. “Don’t be too long.” And then he disappeared with the two dragons.

Lector made his way up the steps slowly and found two guards at his mother’s door. He recognized one of them as his peer. As they held javelins out to him, he raised his hands in surrender.

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