Chapter Fourteen

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“Will he be okay?” Minki inquired anxiously.

Lector was lying on a bedroll, a line of sweat gleaning on his forehead. “He needs to rest for about a day and a half. Someone needs to stay here to re-apply the herbs and give him water to drink every hour,” Vadmar answered.

Kendli nodded. “Jenna, you and Sila stay here and take care of Lector.”

Minki sat down next to the Prince. “Why is he sweating so much?”

Kendli started a fire with magic. “Fever. The illusions will start soon and then the pain.”

“Pain? How much pain?”

“They say that you wish for death to come.”

Minki gasped. Vadmar placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “It’s not that bad. The important thing is that he will recover completely very soon.”

“I have to admit, it did surprise me a little when you teamed us up. I was wondering when you’d give in to the temptation of being alone with me.”

Kendli’s expression remained neutral. “I needed to talk to you.”

Vadmar grinned. “You scare me when you say that.”

“It’s about Jenna…”


“I would like to know why a relationship with her seems like a sane idea to you.”

He smiled, irritating Kendli more than she liked to admit. “I like Jenna. She’s intelligent, modest, not to mention stun-’’

“She’s human and eighty-five years your junior. Even in human years, she’s too young for you.”

He shrugged. “She’s very mature and, as you have not failed to inform me, I am not.”

“Vadmar, it’s not a good idea. I forbid you from a romantic relationship with that child.”

He froze. “Kendli, you are my best friend and my Princess, but you have no authority on this.”

“I knew you were impulsive, but I’ve never seen you act with such foolishness.”

“I know what I’m doing, Kendli. I’m older than you; I don’t need a babysitter.”

Kendli was shocked. Vadmar had never been angry- or anything but happy for that matter. “I’m talking to you as a friend, Vadmar.”

“I know, but what happened with you and Ceaser, it won’t happen to me.”

“You’ve forgotten that she is his daughter. She even looks like him.”

“I won’t stand here and let Jenna be insulted. You know what, maybe you’re just jealous because I traded one Princess for another.”

Zaria let out an angry roar and Kendli stalked away. Suddenly, she heard Vadmar shout, “Watch out!”

Then, abruptly, she felt her foot slip and her head spin as she fell forward. A pair of strong hands caught her arms and pulled her up. Before she knew what had happened, Vadmar was hugging her tightly.

She let out a sob of shock and clutched his leather vest. In front of her, the path ended in nothing. She had almost plummeted down a bottomless pit.

Then she realised what was happening and pushed Vadmar away. “Get your hands off me.”

It really wasn’t necessary for you to part with Vadmar and come with us.

Tato, King and Minki continued down the dirt path unharmed. I don’t mind; I go with the flow.

Minki chuckled. You really are Vadmar’s dragon.

King interrupted. We have a problem; there’s a wall ahead. It seems like our path ends here.

Well, we should get back then. I want to check on Lector’s condition anyway.

Lector opened his eyes and they widened immediately as he saw his father towering over him. The King came closer, an infuriated expression in his malicious black eyes.

“You ran away, Lector. You defied your King and now you will pay the price.”

Lector frantically tried to move away, but found himself paralyzed. “Father, please. Please, I can’t move!”

But before he knew it, Ceaser was on top of him, hands around his throat. Lector was being strangled.

He gurgled. “Fath- You’re killing me. Dad, please!”

Suddenly, an urgent female voice spoke, “Lector. Lector, you’re fine. It’s just a hallucination, Lector. Calm down.”

He blinked and found Jenna leaning over him, patting his forehead with a tattered piece of cloth. ‘Jenna? Wh- where am I? Wh- what’s- Aaah!”

Mind-numbing, gut-wrenching pain consumed Lector’s body and he screamed. It was intolerable and constant. The pain went on for what felt like an eternity, but was actually a few hours. And Lector willed death to come.

Then, someone’s lips were on his, progressively easing the pain. Lector sighed with relief and opened his eyes into Minki’s. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

He nodded. “Better, but I have a headache and I’m cold.”

She smiled and cupped his cheek in her hand. “We’ll get you a blanket and some water.”

“Wh-what happened?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow. Get some rest and I promise you’ll feel better when you wake up.”

“Wait; your path ended in a bottomless pit? Well, ours ended in a stone wall. Does this mean that neither was the right way and we have to turn back?” Minki frowned.

Despite the feelings that still raged inside her, Kendli appeared calm as ever. “We go to the stone wall and cross it.”

Jenna shook her head. “We can’t possibly know that it’s the right way. Who knows what’s beyond that wall?”

“It is the only possible route. It has been decided.”

“By whom?”

“The elven Princess, Jenna. It has been decided.”

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