Chapter Twelve

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The row of pine trees was taller than anything Minki had ever seen and beyond that, was a thick stone wall. This was what they had to cross.

“Sila, can you fly over?” Kendli inquired.

Yes, but not with passengers.

“That’s alright. Jenna, you can go with-’’

“She can join me,” Vadmar volunteered.

Kendli looked slightly taken aback, but recovered quickly. “Okay -er- Lector, you can go with Minki. I’ll see you on the other side.”

They mounted their dragons’ bare backs and gained altitude until they could glide over the pines. The wall stretched on for about the length of two dragons and then they landed.

King, do you know who built this wall?

Minki, I only know what you know, but I’m guessing the elves did, many centuries ago- so many that what lies beyond is forgotten.

The other side of the forest was instantly and clearly different. The trees were a lighter shade of green and the sky seemed bluer. Everything was dipped in magic.

“So, where to know?” Lector asked as he dismounted.

Vadmar breathed in the fresh air and grinned. “We move forward.”

“That’s it?”

Kendli shrugged. “There isn’t much else to do.”

“Guys, I found something!”

Jenna had already wandered about a bit. She emerged into their small clearing, an excited grin on her face. “I found three paths. It’s obviously a test to get to the Weapon. I’m guessing a few obstacles are in order as well.

Vadmar shrugged. “So we close our eyes and pick one?”

Kendli sighed. “No. We split up and meet back here before sunset.”

“Okay, well, how do we split?”

“Minki, Lector and King can take the first path. Jenna, Vadmar, Sila and Tato can follow the middle way. Zaria and I will go on our own. We should set out immediately.”

Minki looked around. Their path was sheltered by trees that protected them from the blinding sun. “I wonder what could be so dangerous that the elves would build a wall to keep it out.”

Lector shrugged. “Don’t ask me… But I think we’ll find out soon enough.”

The maker of the Weapon obviously designed this place as a test, in order to ensure that whoever finds it is worthy.

They went the rest of the way in silence. Suddenly, Lector yelled, “Watch out!”

Minki tumbled forward, but was caught by Lector just before losing her balance completely. They were dangling at the edge of a pit.

King covered it with his head and they were safe. And then the dragon let out a powerful growl.


His claw was stuck in another pit. King, are you hurt?

A little. Please just help me to get out.

Lector and Minki struggled and struggled to free him, but it would not give. King, I know that this is going to hurt, but you will have to pull claw out.

I can’t; it’ll break.

We can’t get it out any other way.

King closed his eyes, held his breath and pulled. They heard a crack and a roar of pain. Minki felt every bit of pain he did and let out a cry as well.

King, I’m so sorry.

A large tear fell from King’s eye. I won’t be able to walk for a few days.

A few days? King, that’s going to take weeks to heal.

Dragons heal faster.

Will you be able to fly?

It’ll be difficult to lift up, but I think so.

“Any idea how your father’s reacting to you and your brother leaving?”

Jenna shrugged. “Just for disappearing I’d be beaten severely. If my father knew that I was helping the elves, he’d kill me with his own hands.”

Vadmar looked down. “Your father was abusive?”

“He never hurt me or my mother, but there were times I really thought he would. Lector had it worse. And the part I never understood was that Lector is strong enough to defend himself, but he never did. I wouldn’t have had that type of self-control if I was in his position.”

“I’m, just glad that the King never laid a hand on you. That pretty face should never be bruised.”

She looked up at him. “What?”

“I said you’re stunning.”

She shook her head. ‘I don’t compare with the elves.”

“Take an elf’s word for it.”

Jenna was about to protest, Sila chipped in. Oh, stop it and accept the compliment. She means, ‘Thank you, Vadmar’.

Vadmar chuckled. “I’m going with Sila on this one.”

He tried to take another step, but couldn’t move. He looked down to see his ankles tied to ground by vines. Soon, they realised that Sila, Jenna and Tato were restricted as well.

“Oh no! Vadmar, what do we do?”

Sila came up with the answer. Magic.

“Alright, Tato, are you ready?” The crimson dragon huffed an affirmative.

“Ancient spells bind us now-’’

Enchanted vines set us free-

“Look at us and deem us worthy.”

One of the vines uncoiled slowly and resumed an upright position. It appeared to be studying them. Soon, the vines untangled and returned to their dormant positions, freeing their captives.

Vadmar smiled with relief and Jenna stared at him in awe. “You’re amazing.”

He shrugged confidently. “I get that a lot.”

Kendli and Zaria trudged along the path, the sun beating down on them. So, tell me about you and Tato.

We’re mates.


Once a dragon has found its destined mate, it’s simple. Unlike you.

Kendli frowned. What?

You and Vadmar are clearly meant to be together, yet you protest with everything in you.

Elves aren’t dragons; we don’t have destined partners. It’s much more complicated.

Kendli, Tato and I are mates. I am a reflection of you and Tato is so much like Vadmar. Doesn’t that tell you something about the two of you?

Just leave it.

He’s not your Dad.


You can’t hide behind your walls when it comes to me, Kendli.

I don’t want to talk about it.

If not with me, then with whom?

Kendli felt that door in her heart creak open- that door she’d been able to keep closed for fifteen years. Zaria felt her shut it again and sighed.

Just know that Vadmar loves you, but he won’t wait forever.

They reached another fork- three paths again. We should head back to the clearing to hear what the others found.

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