Chapter Nineteen

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The next day, everyone was gathered around the clearing a gain. All eyes were on Kendli, Vadmar, Minki and Queen Ezmaria, who stood at the centre.

Silence fell as Kendli stepped forward. Her heart was hammering at her ribs. She was about to decide whether yet another human would possess magic.

She cleared her throat. “I will now present Minki’s final results. Section One: Examiner’s choice recitals- Passed. Minki showed a dedicated knowledge of magic by successfully reciting twelve spells.”

Applause filled the air and Kendli could feel Minki’s relief. “Section Two: Public’s choice recitals and questions- Passed. The student proved her readiness to use magic in any situation and the competence to do so.” More applause.

“Section Three: Using temporary magic- Passed. Minki showed an outstanding level of magical talent by upholding a shield from magical attacks for twenty minutes, whilst withstanding powerful spells. This has been the third longest time in the past fifty years.” A cheer erupted from the audience.

Kendli knew she had to remain stone-faced, but a slight smile played on her lips. “And now it gives me great pleasure to announce that Minki Straddle has passed her magic exam with flying colours. Her instructor, Vadmar Setchi, will now present her with permanent magic.”

Vadmar turned to face Minki. He muttered a spell under his breath and his fingertips soon gleamed red. He placed both hands on Minki’s shoulders.

She disappeared in a blinding light and appeared a few moments later. Vadmar nodded, Minki beamed and the crowd went wild. The elves were rarely this gleeful.

“I will now ask the Queen to present Miss Straddle with the Weapon of Saldor.”

Minki was in a dream as Queen Ezmaria handed her the exquisite jewel-encrusted Weapon of Saldor. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

As she touched the sword, the jewels in the hilt lit up, beaming bright as the sun, and the blade gradually turned emerald green.

A chorus of gasps emanated from the crowd and Minki stared at the Weapon in awe. It had reacted to her- only to her. She was the Wielder.

“Alright, Princess, time to teach you how to use that thing.”

Lector grinned wickedly, flicking his sword in circles. They were on the training field at the west of the Casmera settlement.

Minki bit her lip and curled up her toes. “I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be. I promise I’ll be gentle. Let’s just start and see what you can do.”

Lector smiled as he saw her gulp. He once again realised how gorgeous she was and how much he loved that she loved him. “Okay, go.”

As he launched at her, she parried the blow with surprising speed and accuracy. She pushed back, advancing and finally holding her blade at his throat.

Lector’s eyes widened. “I thought you’ve never held a sword before.”

She shook her head, looking extremely bewildered. “I haven’t. I- I didn’t do anything. My hands- they moved before I even knew what was happening. I-’’

“It’s the Weapon.”

Kendli strolled onto the training ground, carrying her own sword.

Minki frowned. “What?”

“The Weapon of Saldor is a master at swordsmanship. When you wield this sword, you cannot lose, no matter the skill of your opponent.”

To prove her point, she lunged at Minki with lightning speed, becoming only a blur. Just when her sword was about to sink into the girl’s stomach, it was blocked powerfully. Her weapon was flicked out of her hand and the Weapon’s tip rested on her heart.

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