Chapter Eleven

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Time to wake, Minki.

Minki groaned. King nudged her with his enormous snout. Come on, Mother Quinn has an announcement to make.

Minki opened her eyes, looking into King’s bronze ones. How do you know that?

She speaks to us.

“Okay, I’m up. Where are the others?”

Getting ready- which is what you should be doing as well.

I’m on my way. Believe me; I don’t want to keep Mother Quinn waiting either. The elves despise me enough already.

You are just strange and, like all races, elves are cautious of the unknown.

You are very smart, you know.

The dragon purred. I am only a reflection of your true self, so you are in fact complimenting yourself.

Minki shrugged. I could get used to that.

Growling sounded and Minki recognized it as King’s chuckle. Come on, get up… I also have some news on Ricki…


He went back home.

On his own? Why?

Well, he didn’t take your relationship with Lector very well.

I didn’t realise that it would bother him.

Minki, Ricki was in love with you- still will be when he gets past his anger.

She gasped. What?


Oh, now I feel terrible. What if something happens to him? It’d be all my fault.

It’s okay; I’m keeping an eye on him.

Keeping an eye on him?

Yes. If one of us has seen someone before, I can track them.

Only one of your many talents, I suppose.


Any idea what Mother Quinn’s announcement is about?

Kendli and Zaria were already waiting by the Prophecy Oak. They were alone. If I did, I would’ve told you. The Elven Mother was very vague- Oh, here comes Tato; how do I look?

You’re a dragon; you look stunning. Why?

Because Tato is… Well, he is a very eligible dragon and I’d like to look my best in order to impress.

Kendli rolled her eyes. I thought you were supposed to be an image of my personality?

I am a mirror image of your true nature. In some cases, the similarities are obvious, in others not. Perhaps I am the part of you that has been dying to come out- Hey, Tato, might I say that you look quite chivalrous this morning.

Tato’s thoughts were open. Thanks, I know. You’re not looking too bad yourself, Zaria. Morning, Kendli.

“Morning, Tato. Vadmar.”

“Good morning, Princess. Looks like we’re early.”

Zaria raised her snout into the air. A princess is never early nor late.

Kendli shrugged. Maybe you are a reflection of my personality.

Lector, Jenna, Sila, Minki and King showed up and were greeted. Sila seemed upset. She doesn’t show it, but Zaria looks down on me because I hatched.

King comforted her. You do not have to stand back for anyone, Sila. Remember that you are the oldest dragon here.

Mother Quinn appeared out of nowhere. “Good; all of you are here.”

Jenna frowned. “What about Zorak and Bakson?”

“Oh no, dear, they are already on a quest of their own. They are freeing more dragons with attack-and-run tactics. I summoned you here because I now know of a weapon strong enough to vanquish the human King… I am sorry if this is upsetting to the royal children…”

Lector shook his head. “We know what must be done.”

“So many spells protect him that only a weapon of legend can slay the King-’’

Kendli gasped. “Mother, are you referring to the Weapon of Saldor?”

“Yes, child. They weapon lays a few days’ journey into the unknown parts of Casmera. I am sending all of you to find it. Follow your heart, do all it takes ad do not return without the Weapon.”

Minki frowned after Mother Quinn had departed. “Unknown parts of Casmera? Why are they unknown?”

Kendli answered, “No one has ever ventured there, because of the rumours. It is a dangerous place. Besides, the elves have never been greedy. We do not need more forest than we already have.”

Lector sighed. “So she’s basically sending us to what could be all of our deaths.”

King shook his head. It may seem ridiculous now, but in the end, Mother Quinn always knows best.

Vadmar smiled. “Guys, we will be the first to set foot in those parts of the Forest. Come on, where’s your sense of adventure?”

Tato supported him. And who would attack four dragons, three humans and two elves? We’re practically an army.

Kendli sighed. “I never thought I’d say this, but Vadmar is right. We must see this as an adventure. And, from this moment on, we are a team.”

Kendli hesitated before knocking on Mother Quinn’s door. The house was deeply built into a giant tree. The door opened by itself.

She treaded inside, finding the Elven Mother brewing herbs over a hearth. “Kendli, is everything alright?”

“I- Mother Quinn, I just need to talk to you about this mission.”

“Ah, you feel like you are responsible for this mission, because you are in charge?”

Kendli nodded. “Yes. But do I need to take charge?”

“In such a large group, someone must adopt the leadership role and who better than our crown Princess?”

Kendli was nervous. Mother Quinn stepped away from her herbs and took Kendli’s hands in her own. “I can only offer you an old lady’s advice; on this journey, there will be an opportunity for you to open up your heart, seize it. Break down those walls and follow what you feel.”

The Princess nodded, eyes wide. “Good luck, Princess. I believe in you.”

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