Chapter Twenty One

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Kendli opened the door to the Royal Home and found her mother waiting inside. “Darling, I’m so glad you’re alright. You did it! Kendli, the human king is dead.”

Kendli only raised her eyebrows slightly and walked past the Queen, straight to the stairs. Her arm was caught.

“Kendli, I heard what happened and I know you want to be alone, but you should visit Mother Quinn… She’s in a critical condition.”

Lector and Minki were strolling along the forest path. “Are you sure you don’t need some rest?” Lector asked.

“No, I’m fine.”

“Minki, you turned around on Death’s doorstep.”

“Yes, Lector I know. I know everything. I know that I almost died. I know that Zaria gave her life to save mine. And I know that I killed Kendli’s dragon… I know.”

Je grabbed her hand and spun her around to face him. “It wasn’t your fault, Minki.”

“Yes, it is. I used too many spells at once.”

“Minki, stop it! You freed the dragons; you killed a tyrant. Yes, a few sacrifices were made, but don’t sell yourself short. You are the hero, Minki, accept it.”

She nodded and gave him a hug. “Thank you.”

Kendli took cautious steps towards the bed in the corner of Mother Quinn’s house. The ancient elf’s head shifted weakly. “Kendli…”

She hurried and knelt down, taking the Elven Mother’s frail hand in her own. “Mother Quinn, what happened?”

Quinn tried to smile, but coughed instead. “I am old, child. My time to leave this world has come.”

“No, Mother Quinn, you can’t.”

“It is too late now, but listen, I must tell you what must be when I am no more… After I have gone, Vadmar must become the elven King-’’


“The Prophecy Oak has told me these things. And you, Kendli, must take over my place as the Elven Mother. The Oak will give you all the answers.”

“I don’t know how to even talk to the Prophecy Oak. I’ve been trained to become a Queen, not an Elven Mother. And yes, Vadmar would be a great King, but he has no experience… Mother Quinn?”

The Mother’s face was motionless and her eyes stared at nothing. “Mother Quinn? Mother Quinn!”

But there was no pulse.

Kendli gave a single sob and stormed out of the house, right into Vadmar’s arms. “Kendli, what’s wrong?”

She sobbed and leaned her head against his chest. “She died, Vadmar. She’s dead and I was too busy complaining to notice her last breath. Why do I keep losing people, Vadmar? I can’t lose another loved one. I can’t…” She was cut off by desperate sobs.

“Ssh… It’s okay. I’m here. I’m here and you’re not going to lose me. Everything will be alright.”

Minki stood in front of the Council, nervously picking at her fingernails. Queen Ezmaria had given her the responsibility of deciding Lomova’s fate.

She took a steadying breath. “Firstly, all the dragons will be able to roam freely wherever they choose and will be given the option of living in the dragon house. Dragon eggs will be kept safe by the elves and riders will apply for an egg. Queen Ezmaria will be in charge of the dispatching of these eggs.

“The elves will be welcome in Human Territory and the humans in Casmera, but they will remain separate territories. The rulers of each district will meet every three months to discuss any issues that might have occurred.

“Prince Lector Vincent will be crowned King of the Human Territory, which will, from this moment on, be named Zaria…”

Minki saw Kendli shed a silent tear and give her a grateful smile. Tato, who had not been able to shake the tragedy in his eyes since the battle, purred gently. His mate would be remembered forever.

“I will honour Mother Quinn’s wishes by choosing Vadmar Setchi as the King of Casmera.” Whispers rose. “Furthermore, Princess Kendli Gondamoore will be named the new Elven Mother.”

“You never told me any of this,” Vadmar whispered to Kendli.

“Minki was going to announce it anyway.”

“King, eh? Wow…”

“Don’t flatter yourself; I still have the power to overrule all your decisions.”

Vadmar smiled and leaned closer. “You will also be the first Elven Mother to become Queen.”

She stared at him with wide eyes and then broke into a broad grin.

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