Chapter Six

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Jenna came into Lector’s room, balancing a stack of book in her thin arms. She threw herself onto the cushioned window sill-sofa.

Lector was still in bed. He groaned and pulled the covers over his head. “What time is it?”

Jenna sorted through the thick volumes, lighting his bed lantern. “Four o’ clock.”

He sat up. “In the morning? Jenna, why are you in my room at four in the morning?

She shrugged. “I was awake. And this is the only time servants don’t scurry around everywhere.”

He wiped the sleep from his eyes. “Why were you up all night?”

She was already opening a manuscript to a bookmarked page. “I was in the library, searching for clauses on elves.”

“We have information on elves in the library?”

She sighed exasperatedly. “At first, it doesn’t seem that way, but they pop up if you’re looking for them. So, before tonight, I only knew the basics; they live in the Casmera Forest and they can do magic. But I figured that if we’re going to go live with them, we need a bit more than that.”

Lector fell back down, bouncing as he landed on the mattress. “Tell me.”

“In here, I found a section on their governing system. They have a Queen and a Council. Generations back, certain families were chosen and each has a representative on the Council. The Queen and the Princess also have a seat each. The only real power the Queen has, is that her vote counts as two. And then they have the Elven Mother. She is the ultimate power, because of her wisdom and the fact that she can speak with the Prophecy Oak, which means that she knows almost anything. She has the power to overrule the Council and be obeyed by any elf.

“Then I found-’’ A pause as she opened another book. “Here it is, only the ill, children and expecting women eat meat. Apparently, food only grows where the herd is, so the animals are still pretty important.

“I also saw this:

As one with the earth

At peace with the sun

Nourished by water

Loves air like none.

“They are at peace with nature. They live off the earth, the sun doesn’t burn them, water gives them life and they love being up in the air.”

“Which is probably why they’re so eager to save the dragons.”

“Yeah, it’s going to be such an adjustment to stay with them. Do you think they’ll let us have meat?”

“I hope so.”

They camped on the Dust Plains, a fire blazing in the centre of the bedroll circle. Kendli delighted in a litchi, staring into the mesmerising flames. Vadmar sat next to her, talking softly. Ricki babbled his excitement.

Minki had kept quiet for the most part. They’d been travelling for four days and still had two to go. Kendli kept her silence as well, only talking to Vadmar. Ricki, on the other hand, never stopped talking.

Minki liked Vadmar; he was always bubbly and optimistic. In contrast, Kendli scared her. So she stayed out of the Princess’ way.

Vadmar looked over at her. “So, Minki, what made you change your mind?”

“I caught my mother cheating.”

Ricki gasped. “What?!”

Vadmar shook her head. “ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

“It’s fine… I just can’t believe she would do it. My father is so amazing and I love him so much.”

Suddenly, Kendli shot up and disappeared behind the giant boulders surrounding the camp. Minki look worried. “What-’’

Vadmar jumped up. “Don’t worry; it’s not your fault.”


Her back was against a boulder and she stared out into nowhere without expression on her face.

“You alright?”

“Of course I’m alright. Why wouldn’t I be fine?”

Vadmar sat down next to her. “You can talk.”

“About what?”

“Kendli, your father- You are allowed to cry.”

“Vadmar, it’s been eleven years.”

“Exactly. It’s been more than a decade,  but whenever someone mentions anything about a father, you shut down.”

“Are you calling me weak?”

‘I’m saying that you need to be weaker, in order to become strong. Both my parents died five years ago and I can talk about it to anyone, because I cried when it happened.”

Kendli stood up. “I don’t cry and I don’t need to cry. I just wanted a break from the humans and I’m fine now.”

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