Chapter 1

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On the ride home to Uncle Alan's house, Stacy started to bombard me with questions.

"What happened to your arm?" she asked with her childlike innocence.

She placed her small hand on my casted arm. I placed my hand over hers and wrapped my fingers over her tiny hand.

"It's nothing big." I said. "I got hurt before I came here. But the doctor said I could take it off in a few weeks."

"It must be a really big cut if you need to put that big band-aid." Stacy said her eyes sad.

"It was." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders. "But I am fine. Don't need to worry too much about that. What I want you to worry about now." I ruffled her hair. "Is what fun things do you want to do while I am here."

Her eyes brightened as she started talking about- her playmate.

"You're going to love Jamie." She said "She has very pretty blonde hair that is a lot like my doll. And she's so nice. She has an older sister and her sister is nice too. Her sister Jasmine brought us to the park with this boy who Jamie says is her boyfriend. They brought us to the park and we ate ice cream and played at the swings."

"I'm sure we are going to have fun with your friend." I chuckled at my cousin's antics.

"Why didn't you bring your girlfriend?"

"What?" I stammered. I could feel my face flush.

"The pretty girl with the really fluffy hair."Stacy explained. "The girl you live with in Center City."

"Central City." Uncle Alan corrected. "Stacy , Iris is Barry's friend. She's like his Jamie."

"But Iris is a girl." Stacy claimed. "Why would Barry's best friend be a girl? They can't play dolls together. Barry's a boy."

"Iris is Barry's classmate." Uncle Alan explained. "They met at school like you and Jamie. And your friend Josh."

"Josh isn't my friend." Stacy protested crossing her arms. "He's a boy. He's weird."

"Well, I'm also a boy." I pointed out. "Do you think I'm weird?"

"No." Stacy said looking insulted that I would suggest it. "That's different. You're like my big brother. Why would I think you are weird."

"Well that is how Iris and I are." I explained. "She's like my sister."

"Oh." She said her eyebrows scrunched together in thought. "Then who do you like better?"


"Well you said she is like your sister too. You can't have more than one favorite sister." She explained. "Who is your favorite me or Iris?"

"Of course, you are my favorite girl." I reassured my young cousin. "No one would come between us."

"Pinky promise?" she asked holding out her pinky. I wrapped my finger around her tiny pinky.

"I promise."

"We're home!" Stacy exclaimed as the car started to drive through the gate of the Smythe estate.

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