Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I groaned. I looked at found myself in an unfamiliar room.

"Sebastian!" Thad exclaimed from the other side of the room. The other Warblers were also gathered and soon I was surrounded by Warblers. They all looked worried.

"What happened?" I asked pulling myself up.

"You fainted." Trent said

I felt something sticking out of my arm. A tube was connected to my arm and into a bag filled with some fluid.

"You scared us, Mr. Smythe." the school nurse said entering the room.

"What happened?"

"Metabolic failure." She said "From acute hypoglycemia."


"You're not eating enough." Thad clarified.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Yesterday?" I tried to remember.

"That's a lie." Nick insisted. "I didn't see you at all in the Cafeteria yesterday."

"And after the Lacrosse game, and all that dancing..." Thad said. "You're skinny enough as it is, Bas. Are you trying to kill yourself?"

"Well I don't look forward to sitting on the corner of the cafeteria alone with daggers being shot at the back of my head." the other Warblers looked down sheepishly while Thad was glaring at me.

"So you decided to skip meals and get yourself sick."

I shrugged. "I didn't think it was such a big deal."

"Well no more skipping meals, Mr. Smythe." The nurse said. "With your sugar levels, you could've passed out earlier at the lacrosse game. I could band you from playing and Warbler rehearsals until you get back to normal weight."

"I've never actually been in normal weight range." I pointed out.

"Just no more skipping meals." the nurse said as she detached me from the tube, which I hurt more than it going in. She gave the Warblers a stern look. "I trust that you make sure that he eats."

"Yes, ma'am." they said despite the glares I've given them.

"Good." She said "You're good to go."


After the whole hypoglycemic fiasco, hiding from the Warblers was becoming harder and harder. Thad and Trent had made it their job to practically baby sit me.

I'm not kidding.

Not only did Thad return to our room. After class one or both of them would practically looping their arms around mine and dragging me everywhere. And I of course tried my best to ignore them. But if it weren't for the fact that I had the height advantage those two could lift me from the floor by my arms or drag me to my room.

And that is what they did Monday afternoon right after Warbler practice.

"We need to talk." Thad said as soon as we arrived to the room. Trent still had a grip on me keeping me from running away. How could someone so gentle be so strong?

"You can talk all you want." I pointed out sitting on my bed. "No one's stopping you."

"This isn't you Sebastian." Thad said. "I even talked to Iris. She said your being distant."

"This has nothing to do with Iris."

"But it has something to do with Dave Karofsky." Thad said crossing his arms. "And what happened with Jonny last summer."

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