Chapter 23

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"Mr. Barry Allen."


I turned and was face to face with three women. Santana, a woman who she shares an uncanny resemblance who I assume is her mom, and...

"You must be mistaken for someone else, Tia." Santana said "this is my friend, Sebastian Smythe. Sebastian this is my mom and my aunt from Central City, Tia Julieta"

"I'm sorry." She said. "I thought you were someone I knew."

"It's alright." I stammered as I stopped my heart from hammering out of my chest. That was a close call. Wait...Tia is aunt. So if Tia Julieta is Santana's aunt, which means that Jonny is her cousin which also means...

"Julieta, where did you put..." a familiar Hispanic grandmother entered the room. "Bartholomew Allen. I haven't seen you since the summer before last. You've grown."

"Ma, this is Santana's friend, Sebastian."

"Don't mock me, Julieta. My memory is as sharp as it was years ago." she scolded. She then turns her attention to me. "Well, stop gaping at me, is that how you greet your friend's abuela?"

"I'm sorry, Abuela Lopez." I conceded and touched her cheek with mine. I greeted Tia Julieta as well.

"I haven't seen you since Jonny..."

"Yeah." I said sheepishly. "I've been busy."

"Alright, hold up, what is going on." Santana demanded. "How do you know each other? And why did they call you Bartholomew, what kind of stupid name is that."

"And I regret ever telling Jonny that." I muttered.

"How do you know Jonny?" she demanded. "Don't tell me you're one of the jerkwads that caused his suicide."

"Santana" her mom scolded.

"No, I want to hear this from the criminal chipmunk." She glared. "How do you know Jonny?

"He was a friend."

"Do you even know he's dead?" she interrogated. "If you were his so called friend how come he's dead right now? Do you even know that he killed himself."

"Of course, I know because I was the one who figured it out." I exclaimed. "I regret what happened to Jonny. If I were there, he wouldn't have died."

"Then why weren't you." She argued. "If he was your so called friend, why didn't I see you at the funeral."

"Because if I were in Central City, it would've been me who would be dead." I said between gritted teeth. "Why do you think I attend Dalton? To get away from those idiotic Neanderthals. I was teased, I was tormented, and I was beat up by the same thugs we used to call classmates. So don't you dare accuse me of killing Jonny, you may have been his cousin, but I knew him better than you did. I knew what he was going through because I was there beside him."

Santana was speechless.

"I think we all need to sit down and talk about this like adults." Santana's mom said. "It looks like you have a lot to discuss.

We all found ourselves in the Lopez' living room.

Santana sat on the padded seat and crossed her arms and her legs. "Alright explain."

"Barry lives in my neighborhood." Tia Juilieta explained. "He and Jonny were friends. They were classmates in some of Jonny's advance classes."

"Wait you're a nerd?" Santana asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

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