Chapter 14

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One of the down sides of having a younger sibling with a really big age gap, is that the younger sibling tends to get spoilt. Well it wouldn't be that much of a bad thing since Stacy is as sweet as candy.

I found myself going to Lima every Thursday and Friday. That little girl has me wrapped around her little finger. Which in turn gives me an excuse to detour to Lima Bean.

I was in one of the corner booths studying for a Trigonometry I quiz for tomorrow afternoon. Once the equations and formulas started to float in my head, I thought it was a good idea to take a break.

I went to the counter to get another cup of coffee when I spotted a familiar head of curly hair. This day just got a lot more interesting.

I put on the signature gay smirk and approached the couple.

"Hey guys." I greeted sitting at the seat next to Blaine. "it's so crazy, I was sitting over there, checking out this guy. And I was like, wait a second I know that hair. "

I faced Blaine who had a smile on his face. A real one not like the plastic smile that Kurt was giving me.

"What's up buddy? I haven't seen you online."

"We've been a little busy. "

"Practicing for Sectionals." Kurt interjected grabbing hold of Blaine's hand creating an atmosphere of love that would be adorable if I hadn't seen Kurt's other side. "together."

"Oh, congrats on the Warbler win at your Sectionals." Blaine said and I nodded he looks at Kurt and says in an uneasy tone. "We're up this week."

"Yeah." I said "Well if there's anyone who can wip New Directions into a legitimate threat it's Blaine Anderson, right?"

"Right." he said uncomfortably. He must really be nervous if he didn't spot the teasing. "I need another coffee."

He stood to order another cup leaving me with Kurt.

Kurt's expression didn't change but his eyes turned darker.

"I don't like you." he stated.

"Fun." I said impassively "I don't like you, either."

He seemed the more threatened as he continued. "I don't like how you talk to my boyfriend. I don't like your smirky little meerkat face. I don't like your obnoxious CW hair. I'm on to you."

"Let's get a few things straight." I said crossing my arms. "Blaine's too good for you, New Directions is a joke. And one of us has a hard luck case of the Gay Face and it ain't me."

It's game time I am not going to let myself be bullied by this Gay Face. "Odds are, I'll have Blaine and a Nationals Trophy, and you'll have Khakis, a Lima Bean apron and that gay face."

"You smell like Craigslist." he said back as pathetic excuse for an insult. Does Craigslist have a smell?

I scoffed and Blaine came back.

"What are you guys talking about?" he asked sitting back on his seat.

"Duh," I said leaning back and uncrossing my arms. "The next time we go drinking, Killer."

"Uh Oh." he said playfully probably feeling better than earlier. I snuck a peek at my watch and noted the time I looked at them in the eye. Kurt especially.

"Well I gotta run, but you take care of that Warbler, Kurt." I sad giving him a wink and laughing hysterically inside. I stood to get my bag and homework and headed towards my sister's school.

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