Chapter 15

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After picking up my sister and putting her to bed. I found my way to Scandals. I need to vent. And where better to snark and snap at than at a bunch of drunk bastards.

Bringing back the Sebastian that Marcus and Darci had help create back in Paris was like putting on an old mask. It protected me and was all that I needed to survive the social challenges.


Darci flipped me on my back for the nth time. This time I didn't bother getting up. I just stared at the ceiling from the padded floor.

"I think we need a different time approach." Marcus commented from the other side of the room

"You think?" I asked sarcastically

"Well you can't just let them push you around."

"For your information I was never pushed around as a kid." I said "I stopped them from pushing someone around."

"Which ends up with you being used as a punching bag." Darci said crossing her arms.

"And what satisfaction does the bullies get for punching a scrawny kid." I raised an eyebrow. "Last I remember, beating someone half your weight is considered a loss."

"C'est tout!" Marcus exclaimed clasping his hands together. "We have been going in this the wrong way."

"Going what the wrong way?" I asked sitting on the floor. But Marcus ignores me and whispered into Darci's ear.

"Ahh!" Darci exclaimed in realization.

"Ah what?"

"We can't help you even if we tried." Darci said her tone condescending she crossed her arms and stared hard at me as I got to my feet.


"How are we going to help someone who couldn't even help himself." she snarled stepping forward so we were practically nose to nose. "You let everyone push you around. You don't even put up a fight."

I could feel my face heat up. I'm honestly getting really tired of this.

"Well at least I don't spend my time beating up someone who is weaker than them." I snarled back "Tormenting someone weaker doesn't make you any stronger than they are."

"At least I'm on top of the food chain."

"With nothing left but to wait till it all comes tumbling down." I said crossing my own arms and giving her a smug expression. "All we have to do now is wait."

"Wait for what?"

"For you to destroy yourself."

Darci and I had a hard stare down until I heard Marcus clap from where he was seated perched on the tabletop.

"Wow." Marcus said. "That was something. Wasn't it Darci?"

"I have to admit. I have never heard a straight guy give that much snark before."

"Wait this was all a game?"

"You honestly don't see it don't you." Marcus said. "You are clever, quick witted. You could snap back just as fast as the insult would hit."


"Sebastian, words can hit harder than punches could." Darci said. "You just have to know where to hit."

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