Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

"Hi." Hunter said awkwardly. It was a big jump from the confident, strong and proud teen. Seeing him like this. In his blue pajamas and his cat ductile and gentle looking on his lap. He was gently petting his cat. His eyes lost this confident spark.

"How are you?" I asked taking a seat beside him on his bed.

He shrugged. "Rehab sucks. But I'm just glad that they allowed me to keep Mr. Puss here. This is useless. I know I am addicted. But I'm beyond help."

"Don't think like that." I scolded. "You will get better."

"What are you even doing here?" he asked. "You're the last person I'd think would come. Especially after all that I've done to you."

"We all make mistakes, Hunter." I said grabbing his hand. "It's how we bounce back to fix it that counts."

He chuckled emotionlessly. "I don't think there is a coming back from what I've done."

"Well lucky for you that I'm not letting you give up on yourself." I claimed. "You are going to get better and get back on your feet."

He scratched his cat behind the ear. Mr. Puss meowed contentedly while Hunter looked deep in thought. "My dad was thinking of sending me back to Military School."

"You should." I insisted. "You will get better and get back on your feet. Who knows maybe one day you'd be some military captain or something."

"Why are you helping me?" he asked. "I was terrible to you. I drugged you."

"Like I said. We all make mistakes." I said. "And you are still my friend. And I don't turn my back on my friends."

I shrugged. "Besides, how many times do I get to say that I got a military veteran to train me on self defense?"

He chuckled. "Well you still forgot Lesson four."

"Which was."

"Strategy and tactic under pressure." He said. "The way you jumped on me made it easy for me to break your hand and pin you down."

"Hey, I tried." I said. "It wasn't a good try. But you know, I should get effort points for that."

"Well, you could finally catch up with me in a run around the field." Hunter said. "I give you that. You're stamina had improved. Compared to that kid stumbling after me back when we began."

"You helped me. You supported me when I was down. Even when I didn't need it." I chuckled. "You practically dragged me kicking and screaming. Let's just say that I'm returning the favor."

"I'll take you up on that." Hunter said. "I'll look forward to kicking and screaming."

"You better." I teased then I saw the time. "I have to go. The Dean wants to talk to me for some reason."

"Don't worry." He said. "I admitted that all the problems that were caused by the drug issue was entirely fault. I told them you had nothing to do with it."

"Speaking of which." I said. "How did you managed to drug me. I am sure I would feel it if you were doing it in my sleep."

Hunter just chuckled. "Well, private, you should know never to let anyone feed you anything that wasn't sealed."


One of the good things of having Hunter as Captain, everything was in order and arranged alphabetically. I didn't have much to fix and rearrange.

The Dean had reinstated me as the Warbler Captain. Which took me by surprise. Apparently the Warblers had recommended me to come back. Even after all that had happened last time.

So after Warbler Practice, I was doing the final scan before I lock the choir room closet. I found the old gravel on one of drawers and I couldn't help smile. I held the gravel between my fingers.

I was never here when Wes used this gravel. But the Warblers all told me stories. Even Wes had mentioned how formal and organized the Warblers were with him holding the gravel. Perhaps it was time to return the Warbler council.

I put the gravel down and locked up the closet. I heard someone cough behind me. Thad was standing at the doorway.

"I owe you an apology."

"For what" I asked keeping my voice and expression void of emotion. "Giving me the cold shoulder, accusing me of something you of all people would know I wouldn't do, or telling everyone about Barry."

"All of it." he admitted meekly. "I was cruel, and harsh to you. Without even knowing the full story. I didn't even give you the benefit of doubt."

"Yeah, well." I turned to him. "This isn't the first time this happened to me."

He winced. "I know. And I'm sorry."

"What made you come back to your senses?"

"I talked to Trent and Clark." Thad admitted. "I honestly didn't know that Richard and Clark broke up. He seems so good at hiding it. I didn't know that you've been carrying all the Warbler's problems since the start of the year. Even when it wasn't your responsibility. Even the Lacrosse team was telling me of what you've done for them, being just the second in command."

"A team is only as good as it's weakest link." I said. "I learned that the hard way."

"I shouldn't have doubted you." He said. "I was blinded by jealousy."

"Why." I couldn't help ask. "What do you have to be jealous of. You were always my best friend."

"I guess when you and Hunter started to hang out a lot." Thad said nervously. "I thought you know I was replaced. And then when you got Marley."

"Thad, you will always be my best friend." I said. "Hunter or Marley wouldn't change that."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, it's not that. I guess..."

"What?" I asked he murmured the last part I didn't catch it.

He took a deep breath and shut his eyes as he blurted. "Ihadabitofacrushonyou"

I couldn't help gape at him. He had his eyes closed looking like he was expecting to get hit. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. He relaxed and returned my embrace.

"Is that what got you all worked up." I asked. "All because you're afraid I might leave you after I find out.

"Sorta." Thad muttered. "I mean, I know you're straight. And I love that the gay guy and the straight guy could be best friends. But I don't want it to ruin our relationship. I mean..."

"I get it." I said pulling apart the hug but keeping my hands on his shoulders. "But you are my best friend. No matter what happens okay. So are we good?"

"We're good." Thad agreed his shoulders sagging with relief.

"Great, because I need your help. The Dean wants some sort of Christmas bash. Like a large program. And I need help. I can't just blurt it out to the Warblers, you know how they get."

Thad chuckled. "Well, could we perhaps bring some guests?"

"What are you planning?"

Thad just had a smirk on his face. "Come on, we have a few calls to make."

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