Chapter 5

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The ride to Paris was long. Around eight hours on the plane, my cousin had already fallen asleep beside me leaning on my arm. (since she couldn't exactly reach my shoulder yet) while my Uncle was reading on her other side by the aisle seat.

My cousin took the adoption rather well. In fact, she was ecstatic. She loves calling me Bazzy instead of Cousin Barry. I couldn't bear tell her that Dalton was actually a boarding school and I come home on weekends.

I couldn't help thing if this is a good idea. Then I thought of those bullies. Tony who grew even burlier than ever through puberty and was as cruel as ever. Although, I grew taller than him, it doesn't exactly help the fact that I am a lot lankier than he is.

I sighed. I looked at my cousin who was sleeping peacefully beside me.

This is going to be great. I encouraged myself. When I get back to Central City they wouldn't even recognize Barry Allen anymore.


Aunt Adalene met us in the airport and we took her car to her family's house. I had my cousin bouncing beside me while retelling all about her friend Jamie to her mom.

"Oh and when Bazzy joined us, it was more fun!" Stacy said happily "Did you know Bazzy can wiggle his eyebrows really fast?"

Aunt Adalene chuckled. "I'm sure Barry had so much fun with you girls too. Just don't try to braid his hair."

"Of course not, Mommy." She said. "Bazzy's hair is way too short to be braided. And didn't you hear mommy, Barry's Bazzy now."

Aunt Adalene ruffled her hair. "I know that sweetie, but Barry will always be Barry to me." she looked at me in the eye. "Even if he's technically like my son now."

"I like his new name." Stacy piped. "He's like the crab from The Little Mermaid."

"I'm a crab now?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't worry, Bazzy" she said reassuringly. "You are an adorable crab."

We all chuckled at her outlook. I just hope that my cousin would always keep this innocence inside her.

We stayed at my aunt's home. It wasn't as large as Smythe Mansion but it has a very homey feel to it. it was a little larger than Joe's place in Central City

The house was simpler. Three floors around a hundred square meter and a front and back yard. It looked like the typical suburban home. Which surprised me, since we were in Paris, the home of fashion and all that stuff that Thad and Iris were fawning about.

My cousin loved the front yard, there was a swing hanging on the tree branch.

"Come on, Bazzy" she said dragging me towards the swings. "There's a swing!"

Being the resident babysitter it seems, I was forced to watch my cousin on most hours. My aunt and Uncle just laughed at it and motioned me to go play with my cousin.


My cousin and I were in the playground nearby and my cousin was having fun playing with one of the other kids on some monkey bars. And from my cousin's weird psychology of everything, she told me to go sit by the bench while watch her.

"I can't be seen with my older brother all the time." She complained. "How will I make friends when they think I have a big bad teenager following me around."

I didn't want to argue with my cousin. Hence why I ended up sitting on one of the benches around the playground.

"Hey." A pretty blonde haired girl with a thick French accent said, sitting beside me a little too close for comfort. "I'm Darci."

"Hi." I said with a smile "Sebastian Smythe."

"You're so handsome." She cooed on my ear. "What is a handsome guy like you doing here in the playground?"

"I am here with my sister." I said uncomfortably.

She just chuckles.

"Okay, no need to get all nervous." She scoots away from me and I let out an involuntary sigh. "I was just playing around."

"So tell me, Seb" she said "do you mind if I call you, Seb? "

I just shrugged.

"Well then, Seb, " she asked "What is an adorable lad, such as yourself, doing all the way here, instead of at home. From the looks of it, you aren't exactly tourists. So shouldn't you be at home with your girlfriend? "

"I don't exactly have a girlfriend " I muttered

"But I am right, right?" she insisted "this is your first time in Paris, but you aren't tourists. "

"And how did you figure that out? " I asked smirking.

"It doesn't take much to figure it out. " she said with a smile. "So Sebastian are you free tomorrow afternoon? "

"Why? "

"Well, since your new here." she said "I thought you might want to go sightseeing "

"Well it just so happens that I have nothing to do tomorrow afternoon "

"Then I'll meet you here at three. " she said smiling widely

"I will see you then"

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