Chapter 30

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I groaned while my roommate just kept poking me at my side.

"Wake up." He whispered shaking my shoulder. "Rise and shine and all that stuff."

I glanced at the clock at our bedside table. "It's five thirty in the morning. Let me sleep."

"You already slept in about half an hour. Come on, get your lazy ass out of bed."

He pulled the sheets off my bed. The room was always so cold in the morning. I curled myself on the bed and hugged my pillow.

"Come on, Bas."

"Hunter," I said groggily. "Class doesn't start until eight. Why in the world would I be out of bed three hours before that?"

"Well, I always go for a morning run before breakfast, and as my new trainee, you are coming with me." Hunter explained. "Now get on your feet private!"

"Just to clarify, I never agreed to any of this." I said groaning as the blood started to flow back to my head when I sat up.

"I know." He said. "But I'm telling you to go change, anyways. Before I drag you there in your pajamas."

"I'm changing." I said with a groan as I got my sweats, t-shirt and a sweater. Didn't think getting a military academy veteran as a roommate meant I was going to be attending another version of military school.

He dragged me to run around Dalton's lacrosse field. Normally, the coach lets us run around the Lacrosse field twice. But Hunter seems to have all the energy in the world and decided that it wasn't enough. He went for about five rounds when I was just about- to collapse after the third. I think he only noticed I stopped after passing by me twice.

"You need to work on your stamina." He said just a little out of breath."

"Well, we can't all be military machines now cant we?" I said he pulled out his backpack from where he left it at by edge of the court. He pulled out two water containers and handed me one of them.

I took a few gulps of water that tasted strangely of oranges?

"This isnt water."

"It's not." He said. "Sports drink."

"You do know it's unhealthy to drink any form of sports drinks or energy drinks before breakfast." I pointed out. "The caffine and increase metabolism..."

"Just drink, and we are going to breakfast after." Hunter prompted. "You need to rehydrate. And besides, sports drink is more on for rehydration than for caffeine intake. The adrenaline from that run should be able to burn it faster. Especially if we are going to do this often."

"We are?"

"I promised to train you, didn't I?" Hunter asked finishing off his own container. "Lesson two, stamina building."

I groaned from where I sat on the field.

He chuckled. "Give it time, you'll get used to it."

"If you don't kill me first."


"What happened to you?" Thad asked as I managed to get myself to our usual table in the cafeteria.

"Hunter dragged me five in the morning for a morning run." I complained, "Five in the MORNING."

"He managed to get you out of bed?" Nick asked in disbelief. "I thought you could sleep through the apocalypse."

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