Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Rooming with Hunter was way different from rooming with Thad. Hunter came from a military background. So I don't find his stuff mixing with mine like when I was with Thad.

Personality wise, he reminded me of Dave. He was tough on the outside. But rather soft and can cave under too much pressure. He was actually pretty decent, if not a little scary.

My friend Clark however was becoming more protective than Iris. Granted that it's been a month since I've been stabbed, and about a handful people know about it. I don't need a nurse checking up on me every day. But his watchful eye does become rather helpful.

I was headed to the Library after Lacrosse Practice. When I met Clark in the hallway.

"Hi Bas," he said popping out beside me. "Are you headed back to your dorm."

"Not yet,"

"Well, you should." He said. "Or at least the nurse. You're bleeding again."

I looked to my side and sure enough blood was staining my blue sweatshirt.


"Come on," Clark insisted dragging me towards the dorms. We managed to get to my dorm room before I started to feel a bit dizzy.

"First aid kit?"

"Under the sink."

"Get on the bed, and remove your shirt." Clark ordered as he headed towards the bathroom.

"Guys, as much as I support you're being gay," Hunter said on his bed. He was reviewing for an exam in French. He's been studying that for the past few days. "I don't actually want to see you guys..."

He eyed my bandaged side which had blood starting to seep through.

"What happened?" he demanded getting on his feet, his French book completely forgotten. "You're bleeding."

"Nothing, It's just an injury that I got recently." I reassured but he still pushed me down to the bed and Clark came in with the first aid kit.

Hunter started to peel the old bandage and the small wound had opened again. And was bleeding slightly.

"Sebastian," Hunter said. "This is a stab wound."

"Uh, can we talk about this later. I don't exactly feel comfortable talking about this. While I'm bleeding and shirtless."

"Sorry." Hunter said and started to help Clark with cleaning up the wound, I couldn't see how bad it had reopened but it didn't feel as deep as it did when it reopened the first time. So that was a good thing.

"There you go." Clark said putting away the first aid kit. "You really shouldn't be playing Lacrosse with that still not fully healed. That's how it reopened in the first place."

I just shrugged. "I thought it was almost healed. And besides, I'm co-captain this year. I couldn't just leave the team like that on the first few weeks of school. We have a game in a month."

"You're dedication is admirable, Sebastian." Clark said. "And you're a great leader, despite what happened in the Warblers last year. But you're not going to be any use to the Lacrosse team or the Warblers, if you bleed to death or worse."

"What's worse than bleeding to death?" Hunter asked.

"Someone could smell the blood and he could get hunted by a vampire." Clark said."As much as we love you Sebastian, I don't think you living forever is something any of us are looking forward to."

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