Chapter 6

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I went to the park again the next day. I met Darci there, and this time, she has company.

Darci brought with her a boy. He had dark blonde hair, these bright hazel eyes and a mischievous smile. He wore what looked like a button down brown shirt, white slacks and a mustard yellow scarf.

"Hey, Sebbie." Darci said "This is my friend, Marcus. Marcus this is Sebastian."

"Nice to meet you." he said but instead of offering me his hand, he grabbed me by the shoulders and touched his cheek with mine. "Welcome to Paris."

"Thank you." I said still rather stunned by how comfortable he is. "Nice to meet you too."

He chuckled under his breath. "m'excuser, I forget that some boys are not used to touching."

I looked at Darci in confusion and she just chuckled at me.

"Marcus here is like one of the girls." She said. "And he is a rather...touch oriented person."

"And yet, I still beat those boys in lacrosse." He said proudly. "Do you know French, Sebastien?"

"Not much." I admitted

"Then we have a lot of work to do." Marcus said. "Darci tells me that you don't have a girlfriend. Someone as handsome as yourself cannot not have a girlfriend, or even a boyfriend."

"Oh, I'm not..."

"Of course you aren't honey." He assured which didn't really feel reassuring. "But I know I am irresistible."


"Stop teasing him, Marc." Darci scolded. "He'll come out on his own time. But for now, we are going sight seing."

"Yes, Ze Café." Marcus announced dramatically with an arm around my shoulder.


They brought me to this little coffee shop down town not far from the park. It actually reminded me of Jitter's, the coffee shop in Central City that Iris and I always go to. The place was packed with teens.

"This is the only coffee shop in all of Paris that allows alcohol in their drinks."

"And people come here for that." Marcus said. "I for one couldn't last without my shot my mocha with a shot of gin every now and then."

"Come on, Seb." Darci said dragging me to the counter. "You need to try some of their best Latte's in town. You have not lived until you have tried their Vanilla and Cherry Latte's"

"And what else is inside that?"

"A shot of Courvoisier" Marcus said. "Don't worry the Vanilla Latte is one with the least alcohol content orders. Just enough to wake you up not enough to get you drunk."

After placing our orders, the three of us found ourselves in a booth by the corner of the café. The two didn't start drinking. In fact they were both looking at me expectantly.


"Go on, take a sip." Darci coaxed. "We want to see your first reaction."

I shook my head as I took a sip. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would. It was actually pretty good. The lack of caffeine from the drink was instantly replaced by the kick of the alcohol. It sent shivers up my spine. The one that I commonly get from too much coffee.

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