Chapter 29

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Through the course of a few weeks, Hunter had quickly become one of my best friends. He was brilliant, but sometimes downright crazy. Which I found out one night discussing Warbler business.

"You want to what?"

"Lure Blaine back to Dalton." Hunter said. After finding out that I was the former Captain, he 'adopted' me as his co captain. Which makes most nights interesting. Hunter tends to get his brilliant ideas at night. And I just fall asleep through half of his speeches.

But that idea woke me up.

"Why?" I said sitting up.

"You said it yourself, he's a legend here at Dalton." Hunter said. "With him back on the Warblers, we'd be unstoppable."

"He's in McKinley now." I reminded. "I think if he wanted to return he'd be back by now. Besides I don't think he would want to be back with me here."

"Don't think of yourself like that, Bas." Hunter scolded. "If he would judge you over some mistakes you made, then he isn't worth the friendship."

"Then wouldn't bringing him back be counter productive in the whole 'he's not worth it' plan?"

"From what you and the other Warblers told me, Blaine only went to McKinley for his boyfriend, Kurt. And Kurt graduated last year, so why would he stay."

"I don't know." I admitted. "You know personally, I think that we could do this ourselves, most of the Warblers looked up to him. But it also discourages them to push themselves knowing that Blaine is there so they just have to sing back up."

"Noted." Hunter said. "But I personally think it's a good idea."

"Well, that's your call Captain." I said. "As long as I don't have to do anything that would be considered as blackmail or assault. I'm still under watchful eye of Dalton."

"Of course." Hunter said. "I need you to bring him to the Library though."

"Fine." I said I checked the time. "We should really get to sleep."

"Yeah," Hunter glanced on the clock. "Night,Bas."

"Night, Hunt."


I went home for the weekend. Marley was there. She's great. She became a good friend and she's easy to talk to. She reminds me a lot of Iris.

"So what's up my new friend from the other side." I said sitting down next to her.

"I got into the Glee Club." She admitted nervously.

"Really? That's great!"

"So you're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"I mean, I heard from Blaine and Artie that you don't like the New Directions." She said. "They also said some pretty mean stuff about you."

"Let's just say that I don't have a good relationship with the New Directions." I said. "It's something that happened in the past. And I don't want to talk about it."

"Alright, moving on. What's going on with you and Hunter."


"Well gleentel says your gay."

"Gleentel?" I asked with a smile. "That's cute. Glee intel."

"Well anyway, Gleentel says you're gay." Marley said. "And Hunter and you were looking rather comfy."

"No." I said rather affronted. "He's straight, and so am I."

"Wait you are?" She asked. "Then what's that thing they said about you trying to seduce Blaine."

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