Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I woke up to the sound of beeping. The place smelled like bleach and a bit too much cleaning. And I had a gut feeling that everything around me was white...or at least most of it are.

I groaned as I started to regain my consciousness. I felt a needle stuck in my arm and a clip on my finger. Well I figured out what the beeping was.

I opened my eyes to a lot of bright light and white. There was a tube that was connecting me to an I. V. bag and a small clip on my finger connecting to an ECG.

"The dead lives" a familiar voice teased.

I smiled back at an old friend. Clark Stephens is an old classmate from Central City I found at Dalton. He's this smiley, eccentric gay kid who loves to tease but has the biggest heart.

"Well," I said. "I had to make a negotiation with the Devil. So I could come back. You Warblers would miss me too much"

"And that is true." He said. "Who else would be there to save me while those bears try to beat the crap out of me again."

"You do know the possibility of them actually being gay is less to none right?"

"Hey, the statistics of bullies actually being closeted gay kids who had homophobic parents are large. You should know that, I thought you were into researching about this stuff."

"I'm into Math and Chemistry, Clark. Not Statistics. I couldn't understand a single thing of that."

"Well, there's a first thing for everything, isn't there Bas?" he teased and I chuckled. I tried to sit up and I realized that is probably not one of my best ideas.

A sharp paint shot on my side and I couldn't help yelp. Clark's expression turned

"Don't sit up yet, the doctors said that the stitches could still open and needs to heal properly." He pushed me back down to the bed and pressed the button calling the nurse.

"How bad is it?"

"Well according to Iris, the doctor said that you have a deep stab wound at your side, but thankfully that psychopathic child didn't stab anything important."

"What do you mean?"

"I think the doctor said you hit your appendix." Clark said "Why were you with a psychopathic seven year old anyways?"

"I was following a lead in Joe's case."

"Sebastian, honey. We've established this before." Clark said sitting down beside me on my bed. "You are not a cop. Your heroic complex is admirable. But you need to learn to take care of yourself first. Then you can figure out how to take care of others."

The door opened the reveal the nurse who was pushing in food on a cart.

"Well, I think that's my cue." Clark said. "But before I forget..."

Clark grabbed his backpack and he took out a teddy bear that shouldn't have fit in that small bag.

"The boys wanted me to give you your very own get well bear-y soon teddy." Clark said handing me the large bear. It was wearing a Dalton blazer and large Ray band eyeglasses. I turn the bear at the back there was an embroidery Warbler Sebastian.

"Wait, they know."

"Word travels around fast, Bas." Clark said. "Even across states. Get well soon, Bas."


I had a lot of visitors while I was in the hospital. Jade's dad was one of them of course. Apologizing for his daughter's behavior. No one really knows how someone so young would turn out so cruel.

But who I didn't expect to come in was Marc.

He knocked on the door the day before I was due to go back home.

"Hey, Bear." He said then eyed the teddy bear on the side table. "And Bear?"

"It's a gift from my friends." I said.

"So how are you kid?"

"Fine, I guess." I admitted. "What happened to Jade."

"Well she's a bit young to be sent to prison. So I think they're sending her to strict foster care, and a lot of therapy."


"How long have you known?" Marc asked. "That she was the murderer."

"I don't know a week." I said. "I suspected. She didn't admit anything until she stabbed me."

"What are your plans for the rest of the summer?"

"Not sure." I admitted. "I might go back to Westerville so I could settle in to the dorm room before school starts and that isn't until the last week of August. Why?"

"You've got a good eye." Marc complemented. "I am a few years away from retirement. And someone needs to replace me after I retire."

"I appreciate the offer but...I don't know."

"CSI's are like detectives." Marc said. "We investigate the scene of the crime. But we don't need to do the dirty work."

"How did you..."

"We all knew you wanted to be a detective since you were around twelve," Marc said. "The addiction to Sherlock Holmes might be one."

I blushed under his gaze. I didn't think I was that predictable.

"You have a good eye, Barry." He said. "There's an open slot for a part time intern. Even for just the summer. Think about it."


"Bye Barry."

And with that I was again alone in my little hospital room. I plucked the teddy bear from the side table. I removed the tiny Raybands off the bear.

One hand held the stuffed toy, the other held the glasses.

In the past year, I've been putting Sebastian first. He's been protecting me, he was the one with the sharp eye for detail and always had a snarky remark to come with it. Barry Allen was a kid who was great in Chemistry, Math. And a lot of other academic stuff that had chalked him off as a nerd. But I was given an opportunity.

My impulsive braver brought me to this situation. That was Sebastian. Should I put Barry first in this situation? Would it make things better or worse?"

"Hey Barry." Iris said entering the room.

"Hey Iris."

"You okay?" she asked. I looked back at the teddy bear. I placed the glasses back into the bear's face.

Barry Allen had gotten back to his feet after foster care. He had come back stronger. And Sebastian was just there to back him up. If I will get through this.

"Yeah." I said. "I am now."

I'm going to be Okay.


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