Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Trent was in my pre-calculus class. And I thought it was about time to get some answers. I caught up with Trent right after we were dismissed.

"We missed you at Warbler practice, yesterday."

"I didn't think anyone noticed."

"Of course we did." I said. "You're like the sunshine of the group."

He smiled at that but it seemed half hearted. He didn't make any effort to open up or to explain.

"Thad for one was particularly grumpy for some reason."

"Probably the stress talking." Trent said. "You know with Sectionals just around the corner."

"You guys are hiding something." I accused. "What aren't you telling me?"


"Hey Trent," Thad said suddenly popping between Trent and I he was blatantly ignoring me. "Where were you, you were going to tutor me in Physics remember."

"Oh, yeah."

"Well, come on. You know how badly I need the tutoring." Thad said pulling Trent with him.

"See you later, Bas." Trent called as he was dragged across the corridor.

Thad's betrayal stabbed at me like knives. He knew how I felt about my friends, and he knew what those bastards at Central City had done. And yet he still did this.

I could feel the old Sebastian prod and poke, also I could feel myself bury in my own mind and just let Sebastian rule over like last time. But I knew this wasn't the way to go. But I have a bad feeling that Sebastian is going to make an appearance some time soon.


The stress of sectionals was taking a toll on everyone. Especially on the day itself. Hunter gave his prep talkp on the way to McKinley. But everyone seemed to be a bit jumpy. I don't want to know what happened, but it seemed like I needed to.

Being co-captain, I had certain responsibilities. Hunter and I had split the responsibilities. I handle the back up food and water(being in a bus with fifteen teenage boys can become rather wild, and you need to have some sort of bait to calm them down), and making sure everyone is there. While he handles makes sure the back up uniforms are there and all the official stuff like the sound checks and mic distribution.

"Where's Trent?" I asked looking around.

"Like you care." Thad sneered. "He's back at Dalton."

"He was sick?"

"It's none of your business." Thad replied. "You have been a bit busy with your girlfriend and hanging out with your new best friend to bother about any of us."

I could feel my blood boiling. I've been trying all I could to make amends, and to calm Sebastian down. But honestly, I am through taking bullshit from Thad. I've been to this before. I am not going to go through this again.

"What the hell is your problem?" I demanded.

"You're my problem." Thad said. "I highly doubt you don't know what Hunter's been doing. And I don't think you even care about- any of your friends any more if you let him do this."

"You could insult me all you want." I snarled towering over Thad. "But don't you dare tell me that I don't care. I've been trying to do everything I can to help everyone I could since I was demoted earlier this year."

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