Chapter 13

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Sectionals were two weeks away and the Warblers were getting anxious. Especially David and Thad.

We had the list of songs from the past weeks' impromptu and slightly practiced performances. Trent and Jon event started bringing a video camera during practice so they could record the performances.

They were great really the guys were all goofing around when they saw the camera and they started even doing some stunts that, according to Thad, Vocal Adrenaline does on a normal basis.

I've watched some of the Vocal Adrenaline's performances and I have to admit they are good. But their voices aren't that put together. They simply have a lead and the rest dance and awe in the background. They captivate the stage with choreography and flashy outfits. They often only have one lead singer. Last year was a girl named Sunshine Corazon (and I question, no matter how sunny the Philippines can be, would someone name their kid "Sunshine") and the year before Jessie Saint James.

Yeah I did my research.

David groaned loudly making me and Thad look at him. He was slouching in his seat and rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hands.

"I don't know how Wes managed to do this." he grumbled "He always seemed like a one man army."

"It's Wes." Thad said pausing the video from the laptop. "He's been working on stuff like this since his sophomore year."

"I don't know how to handle this Captain business." David grumbled "This is so stressful."

"That's what you get for taking senior courses." I teased pushing my nerd glasses up the bridge if my nose.

"You're the one to talk." David said "You're with me in honors Algebra."

"And don't you also take Physics and Chemistry?" Thad asked "I, for one, can only take one to two subjects that involves calculations. But you're taking four. How are you able to sleep at the work load?"

"Better question." David said "How has your brain not turned into mush from overwork?"

I shrugged

"It's a talent." I said sorting through music sheets. "Besides your brain couldn't turn into mush that easily. I highly doubt you could make that magnitude of vibrations in your body to turn your brain into mush. You need an arti..."

"Okay" David interrupted "We get it you're a nerd."

"And proud of it." I said crossing my arms with a smirk on my face.

"What do you think of Jon's version of 'Dynamite'?" Thad asked

"It was pretty good." I said recalling the performance.

"I honestly didn't know that Jon could sing." David admitted taking the laptop looking for the performance.

"He could beat box." I pointed out "isn't beat boxing considered singing."

"Not always." Thad said. "There was this other kid last year. He was great at beat boxing just as good as Jon. But he couldn't sing on key. "

"But Jon can." David pointed out "better than Ray last year."

"So it's settled?" I asked "we're giving Jon a solo."

"Alright. But the setlist?" Thad asked "Have to have more than one song. And how about our entrance song."

"We need a big impact." David recalled. "That's what Wes always says."

"How about Uptown Girl?" I asked "It seemed like the perfect first song for sectionals."

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