Chapter #1: The End of the Genesis Wave----Introduction

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"Protoman grab Rush," Mega Man screamed looking over at his robotic brother.

"Got him," Protoman echoes back grabbing onto a red robotic dog.

"Sonic grab Tails!" Mega Man shouts, looking around for one speedy hedgehog and one two tailed fox kit.

"Already on it," shouts Sonic from where he was standing looming over Dr. Eggman's robot.

Sonic zips over to Tails, who was standing over the Genesis Wave machine tinkering with the multiple buttons.

"You done bud," asks Sonic.

"Not yet, but almost," exclaims Tails stabbing at a red button.

Suddenly a white light starts emitting from the Genesis Wave machine.

"I got it!" Tails exclaims, walking back to examine his work.

One by one everyone disappears, first Dr. Eggman, Metal Sonic, and all his robots disappear , and then Dr. Wily, Bass and all his robots.

"Goodbye Sonic the Hedgehog, it was an honor to fight besides you," Protoman exclaims, before he too disappears in a white light with Rush.

Mega Man and Sonic walk towards each other, they stick their hands out and shake hands.

"It was an honor to fight besides you and Tails, Sonic," Mega Man exclaims shaking Sonic's hand.

"Right back at you Rock, Uh I mean Mega Man," Sonic exclaims shaking back.

Slowly the base starts to disappear around them.

"Sonic, We are running out of time, " Tails exclaims.

" Yeah Bud, I realize, let's go home," exclaims Sonic reaching out and grabbing Tails' hand.

"Bye Mega Man," shouts Tails, before a white light engulfs Mega Man and he disappears too.

" Let's go home Tails," said Sonic before he and Tails disappear in a white light from the WilyEggZone never to return again.

4 Hours Later

"Are they going to be OK Rotor," exclaims Sally looking down at her unconscious nephew and her unconscious secret lover.

"They'll be fine, Sal, there just exhausted, remember they just fought two death machines," Rotor exclaims putting a wet washcloth on Tails' forehead.

"Ughhhhh, did anyone get the license plate on the truck that hit me," Sonic groans slowly opening his eyes and sitting up. Sonic notices that Sally, Rotor, Anttwan, and Bunny, were all looking at him.

"What?" Sonic says eyeing his friends with suspicion.

"We didn't think you would be awake so soon Sonic," exclaims Sally walking to Sonic's bedside.

"Well, Sal it takes more than a huge battle to keep me down," Sonic announced getting up from his cot. When Sonic gets his feet on the ground he is knocked down again, when Sally hugs him.

"Whoa! Sal," Sally starts crying,"What's wrong Sally," Sonic exclaims returning the hug and rubbing his hand down Sally's back.

" I was so worried about you Sonic, I thought, I thought,"Sally sobs into Sonic's blue furry chest," I thought, I'd never see you again!" Sally continues to sob.

"Aww Sal, I am fine, See!" Sonic exclaims pointing to his unharmed body to make his point. Sally calms down and stops crying,

" I know, I know, your Sonic the Hedgehog, fastest person alive, no one can take YOU down," Sally announces.

"Yeah exactly," exclaimed Sonic," so don't worry about me so much."

"I will try not too," exclaimed Sally giving Sonic a light kiss on the cheek.

"Who you should worry about is Tails though," exclaimed Sonic going over to Tails' bedside.

Sonic looked down at his unconscious sidekick laying on his side with his two tails wrapped around him.

As Sonic looked down at his sidekick he couldn't help, but wonder,"you really are something special bud, I just can't help, but wonder where you came from."

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