Chapter #2: Back to Normal?

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"Come, back here and face me like a man, Hedgehog!" Dr. Eggman shouted at his arch enemy Sonic who was running away from a missile at the moment. The missile continues to chase Sonic,and it finally catches up to him, the missile sends Sonic flying into the air.

"Hahahahah, that's what you get for being a coward Sonic," Eggman scowls flying above the battered hedgehog ready to deliver the final blow. When suddenly Sonic disappears from the place where he was.

"Ugh, my head, what happened,"Sonic exclaims only to have his mouth covered with someone's hand.

"MMMMM" Sonic screams with his voice muffled.

"Shh Sonic, do you want Eggman to find us," says the figure removing his hand from Sonic's mouth.

"Wait,Tails?" Sonic says slowly getting up and looking at his sidekick.

"The one and only," exclaimed Tails getting up as well.

"Where have you been bud?" Sonic asks with concern.

"I think I was in some sort of coma, at least that's what Sally told me," Tails exclaims blushing and peeking his head from around the corner of the building they were hiding behind.

"Hahahhahah, Found You," Eggman exclaims coming up behind Sonic and Tails.

Sonic and Tails whip around to fight him, but it is too late as soon as Sonic and Tails turn around Eggman presses a button which makes shackles that kinda look like staples encase itself around Tails' wrists trapping him to the wall behind him.

"Hahahahaha, that's what you get Tails' for saving Sonic from his doom," Eggman scowls at the now trapped kit.

" Don't worry Tails I'm a coming," Sonic makes a beeline for the trapped Tails, but Metal Sonic and Metal Tails show up at the absolute worst time. Metal Sonic lands in front of Sonic blocking him from reaching the fox.

"Get out of the way Metal," Sonic shouts glaring at Metal Sonic.

"No, Surrender Hedgehog to Metal Sonic glorious enforcer of the Eggman Empire," Metal states motioning to Sonic.

"Not in your lifetime, Metal," Sonic exclaims running away toward Sunset Plains, Metal Sonic following, leaving Tails with Eggman and Metal Tails.

Tails POV

Ugh, I struggle against the bindings holding me to the wall. I know Sonic will come back for me, he would never leave me, would he? Never mind, right now I have bigger problems. Not only am I left alone with one psycho who wants to capture and roboticize me, but now I'm left with my Metal duplicate who was programmed to kill me, this does not look good for me.

"So Tails how does it feel to be at my mercy? " Eggman scowls, standing up in his Eggmobile, so he could see me.

Doesn't feel good Eggface, and I am not at your mercy, I scowl turning my head away from him.

"Too bad Tails," exclaims Eggman," Metal Tails, I will let you take care of Tails, I'm going to watch the fight between Metal Sonic and Sonic," Eggman says sitting back down and flying away from us.

Leaving me alone with Metal Tails.

Metal Tails walks up to me, I just want to shrink and be the size of an ant at the way he is looking at me. He may be a robot, but he is still scary.

"Hmm.. what should I do to you," he exclaims pacing back in forth in front of me.

How about nothing, I exclaim struggling some more against the restraints holding me to the wall.

"How about... NO!" Metal Tails exclaims backing up and pointing his cannon at me," say Goodbye Tails Miles Prower, I'll make this quick," Metal Tails says, laughs and is charging up his cannon.

He is about to shoot when a brilliant plan comes to my mind. While I couldn't move my arms, Eggman neglected to tie my tails before he left. So when Metal Tails was finished charging I use my tails to propel myself upwards with my arms beneath me. Metal Tails cannon blast breaks the wall and my restraints. I fly up away from the flying rubble, while Metal Tails was too slow. The debris fall on top of him and crush him.

Yes, I squeal landing back on the ground, I rub my sore wrists and then I fly toward Sunset Plains, hoping, no dreaming Sonic is ok.

Sonic's POV

You can't catch me Egghead, I snicker at Egghead who is at the moment flying above me. Metal Sonic comes from above and I just barely dodge the punch he sent my way. Metal Sonic backs off, and I take this opportunity to curl into my spin dash and go running full speed at him. Metal is caught off guard and I go right through his weak spot. Metal Sonic blows up and I see Eggman flying away saying,

" I hope you said your goodbyes to your sidekick," Eggman shouts and laughs flying away.

Oh NO! Tails! Realization hit me. Metal Tails wasn't with Eggman, so he must of been left to take care of Tails. I rush hoping, no dreaming Tails was ok.

Regular POV

Sonic and Tails both rush through Knothole, Tails flying, and Sonic running. They both round a corner and BANG!, they bump right into each other.

"Tails?" Sonic says standing up and reaching his hand out to his sidekick.

"Sonic?" Tails says excepting Sonic's outstretched hand.

They both stand up and Tails runs into Sonic's arms. Sonic hugs back and puts his hand on Tails' back. They break up the hug and look at each other.

"Tails," Sonic says with tension, " what happened," Sonic exclaims looking into Tails innocent sky blue eyes.

"I was trapped, Eggman left and Metal Tails stayed," Tails says returning Sonic's look and looking into his lime green eyes," Metal Tails was about to shoot me with his cannon when I suddenly used my tails to propel myself upwards, the wall broke and I was freed, I flew up, but I believe Metal Tails was crushed," explained Tails very quickly hoping that Sonic wouldn't be mad that he almost died.

Sonic just looks away with a sad look.

"Sonic, I am fine, I escaped didn't I, I am here aren't I," Tails told Sonic with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess, just be more careful next time," Sonic exclaims, looking back towards Tails and giving his little brother a noogie.

"Hahaha," Tails laughs pushing Sonic's hand away, "OK, OK, I will," Tails chokes out," Promise!" Tails exclaims beginning to walk back towards his workshop.

"Tails?," Sonic announces.

"Yeah, Sonic?" Tails says turning around to face Sonic.

" I'm glad your back," Sonic exclaims running up to Tails and enveloping him in another hug.

" Me too," Tails exclaims returning the hug.

Sonic and Tails break the hug, and walk in their own homes direction. It looks like everything is back to normal,..........OR IS IT!

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