Chapter #7: Hunt for the Super Emeralds

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"Nicole, who is Nicole," Clover exclaimed confusedly.

"Nicole, is an artificial AI created by her father Dr. Ellidy, she was then given to the princess of the Acorn Kingdom, my Aunt Sally," Tails exclaimed.

"Oh cool, I have an AI too, her name is Paige, but I think I lost connection with her, when I went through the portal," Clover replied.

"Oh ok maybe Nicole can help you reestablish contact with her," Tails exclaimed with a smile.

"Yeah, maybe she can," Clover spoke with clarity in her voice.

"Anyways, Clover how would you like it if, me and Tails, helped you find your Super Emeralds," Sonic smirked turning to look at Clover.

"I would love it if you guys helped, of course you don't if you don't want to though," Clover replied quickly smiling.

"Of course we want too, we owe you," Sonic exclaimed putting his hand around her shoulder and giving her a thumbsup.

"Oh ok, and you guys don't owe me anything, it's kinda what I do," Clover replied.

"Alrighty then, that settles it, jump on Clover, and we will bring you to Knothole," Sonic exclaimed offering Clover his hand.

"Sonic, I can walk by myself, I'm not helpless," Clover replied.

"Oh Clover, Clover, Clover, unless you can run at the speed of sound, then I think I'm going to have to carry you," Sonic cooly exclaimed with a smirk.

"Speed of sound? Pfft. No way!" Clover replied starting to walk away. 

Suddenly Clover is whipped off her feet and is in somebody's arms in a matter of seconds.

"Woah!" Clover shouts whipping around, and is surprised to see Sonic.

"Believe me now?" Sonic exclaims with a smirk.
'Yes,Sadly, but what about Tails? " Clover exclaims.

"I'm right here Clover, turn to your right," Tails exclaims.

"Ok, but," Clover starts to say turning to the right, but is even more surprised to see Tails, flying next to them.

" Woah!, You can fly!" Clover exclaims flabbergasted.

"Yup, you said saving people is your thing, well this is our thing," Tails exclaims with a smile.

"Soooo, you can fly, and Sonic has super speed," Clover replies.

"Yup, surprised," Sonic exclaims with a cheeky grin.

" Umm, Yeah! Totally, but now I don't feel so out of place anymore," Clover exclaims laughing.

"Yeah, you're not the weirdest one around, you'll fit in great around here," Tails exclaimed with a smile.

"We're here," Sonic exclaimed, skidding to a stop in front of a gate attached to a dome like environment.

"This is your home?" Clover exclaimed looking around in amazement.

"Yup, welcome to Knothole Clover," Sonic exclaimed walking up to a passcode pad next to the door, Clover still in his arms.

Sonic walks up to the passcode pad and types in his and Tails' names. Suddenly the passcode pad turns white, and a brown linx with a purple outfit appears. 

"Why hello Sonic, Tails, welcome home," the linx known as Nicole exclaimed.

"Heya Nicole," Sonic replies with a cheeky smile.

"Hi Nicole," Tails exclaims with a smile.

Nicole bows, and finally notices Clover in Sonic's arms.

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