Chapter #5: Story of the Super Emeralds

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A long time ago in the land of Two Land Sparks which at that time was called Sparks, there lived an ancient called Octavius. Now, Octavius was one of the ancient guardians who protected the Realm Gate, the most desirable prize for a villain. The Realm Gate allowed anyone the power to teleport to worlds, control them, and most importantly destroy them. It was basically a gateway to the entire galaxy. The Realm Gate has been in my family for generations. You see Octavius, his wife Isis,his son Hercules, and his daughter River,were my great grandparents and great aunt and uncle. When Two Land Sparks went under the alias of Sparks we were just a small planet, caught in the middle of a war, always being picked on, but never attacked. You see Sparks was created by the ancients of my family, to house the Realm Gate and the future generations of the ancients. Well Octavius one of the only ancients left was guarding the Realm Gate one day when......

" Isis, Dear!, have you seen Hercules," Octavius exclaimed to his beautiful wife, who at this time was feeding my future grandma.

"Yes, Dear he is in his room meditating, he wishes not to be disturbed," Isis replied happily.

"Oh alright, well I am going back to my post, I will see you at dinnertime," Octavius exclaimed kissing Isis goodbye and walking out the door.

Now there was a hill next to Octavius' house, and that is where the elders informed Octavius to hide the Realm Gate, to always have it close for comfort.

Suddenly when Octavius was about to open the door to the secret chamber, the door burst open and revealed that the Realm Gate was opened, and standing next to it was Hercules his own son.

"Hercules what have you done," scolded Octavius at his son.

In a demonic voice Hercules answered," I have done what is right father, you hide the Realm Gate and all its power away, when it should be used for the greater good of all," he screamed at Octavius.

You see the Realm Gate is not just a gate it's also a coffin and a treasure box for an even stronger creature. Back in the very early times of the galaxy there was a threat a very strong threat, who threatened the freedom of all 72 realms, his name was Lord Darkness. Lord Darkness was a being born under the last light of the Blood Moon on Storm. Beings born that way were said to be demons sent from an even greater power, the Eclipse Clan. Lord Darkness spread terror throughout all the galaxy, showing no mercy and killing people that stood in his way. The Elders were those people,but eventually they found out a way to seal Darkness away ending his terror forever.

The way they sealed him away was the Realm Gate, that is why it was so heavily guarded. When Hercules opened it he was under the control of Lord Darkness' faithful daughter, Diana. When Darkness was sealed away Diana was adopted by the elders, they were hoping that little Diana wouldn't end up like her father , but little did they know she was going to free her father and betray them first chance she got. Hercules under Diana's orders opened the gate, freeing Lord Darkness from his prison. Octavius fought as hard as he could, but it was all for naught, in the end Octavius gave up his life to save Isis and little River. Isis took her daughter River to a secret place where the Wood Nymphs lived. Isis pleaded to the Wood Nymphs to protect her daughter, they accepted, and Isis left River in their care. Day after day, year after year, the war between the light and the dark waged on, until little River became old enough to leave the Wood Nymphs sanctuary and follow her own path of destiny. River traveled to place after place, until she came upon a Wizard named Cronus, who had a son named Aristotle.

Cronus was known for the knowledge that was used to create the Realm Gate, so River pleaded with him to make another one. Cronus said that he couldn't, and even if he did the same thing would just happen again. River understood and was about to leave when Aristotle came to her and told her of the Legend of the Sky Shrine above Mount Cloudripper in the Isosceles region. River accompanied by Aristotle traveled to Mount Cloudripper and went through many tests before they reached the Sky Shrine. The Sky Shrine was said to hold the legendary miracle jewels called the Gems of the Sky. River together with Aristotle earned the gems and went away to bring them back to Cronus. They gave the gems to Cronus, and River now about 16 and Aristotle now about 18 told him their plan to seal away Darkness, Diana, and all the Shadows. The battle took place on Righteous Valley where Octavius and Isis lived. River, Aristotle, Cronus, and the now found Isis beat Lord Darkness and sealed him , his daughter, and all their evil away forever. 

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