Chapter #15: The Animals of the Oasis

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Some people say, you only look death in the eye once or twice in your life, but Clover has looked death in the eye more than that. For example Clover now looks into the eyes of a deadly creature, how will our heroes escape this predicament, let's find out.

As Clover looked the spider dead in the eye, she was filled with fear, and she wasn't the only one. Clover! Her friends shouted, in fear. As the spider readied to dig its claws into her flesh, everyone was afraid.Suddenly before the spider could do that however, Clover shoots water directly in its face. The giant spider squealed, and returned back into the shadows, of which it came.

" Great job Clove!" exclaimed Sonic, spin-dashing to free himself from the sticky web.

" 'achoo' Thanks 'achoo'," Clover exclaimed sneezing again.

Sonic then proceeds to free the rest of his friends. Tails, one by one flies them out of the hole.

" Woo, that was a close one," Tails exclaimed flying the last person out of the spiderweb infested hole.

" Tell me about it," exclaimed Sally relieved.

Tails puts Clover on the ground, and lands next to her.

" Are you OK Clover?" Tails questioned worriedly.

" Yeah, 'achoo' I'm fine," Clover exclaimed with a slight smile.

" Let's get moving again team, that emerald isn't going to find itself," exclaimed Sonic confidently.

The heroes continue to move through the forest, until they reach a clearing, and decide to take a break. Unbeknownst to our heroes, they are being watched by two sets of eyes.

" Ah, I think that, we should set up camp for the night here, it looks like it's going to take us a longer time to find this emerald," Nicole declared with defiance.

" I agree with Nicole," Sally exclaimed agreeably.

"OK, I'll set up the tents," exclaimed Sonic, whipping around at the speed of sound, instantly setting up the tents in seconds.

As the sun continues to set, our heroes go inside their separate tents, and slowly fall asleep. Clover slowly makes her way out of her tent, and goes over to a stump and sits down. Suddenly behind her, she hears a bush rattle.

" Huh, is someone there?" Clover announces whipping around.

Suddenly out of the bush came out two medium sized cats, one pure black, and one pure white

" Ah," exclaimed Clover jumping off of the stump.

The cats, suddenly circled Clover and started to meow, and purr furiously, around her legs. The cats suddenly meowed, and started walking a different direction into the forest.

" I have a feeling, you want me to follow you," exclaimed Clover, stuffily to the cats.

Meow! They both exclaimed, running in circles around her.

" OK, OK, let me grab my friends first," Clover replied stuffily, going over to the middle of all the tents.

" Sonic! Tails! Rotor! Sally! Nicole! Get up!" exclaimed Clover stuffily, and loudly.

Slowly one by one the sleepy Freedom Fighters left their tents, and came to see what was causing Clover distress.

" Clover, what's wrong," exclaimed Sonic worriedly, followed out of his tent, by a sleepy Tails.

The cats suddenly lunge towards them, and begin to run in circles around them as well.

" Whoa, where did these little guys come from," exclaimed Tails, barely avoiding tripping over them.

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