Chapter #6: Princess Backstory

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"After the darkness was defeated, the Gems of the Sky, were entrusted to my family. They were then put under another name to protect them, the Super Emeralds," exclaimed Clover with a smile.

"Wow! That's amazing so you're one of the future generations?" Tails exclaimed.

"Yes, I am the direct descendant of Lady River, she is my Grandma," Clover replied.

"Oh cool, so Clover, how did you get here,"Tails exclaimed happily.

"Umm, well, you see..." Clover starts to reply, but stays quiet.

"It's ok Clove, you can trust us," Sonic replies with genuinity.

"Oh 'sigh' Ok, I came here through a portal, I conjured up with the,ummm.. Ultimate Super Emerald," Clover replies her head downcast still," you see it all started one day in Two Land Sparks,.....

I was sleeping in my room when I suddenly was awoken by my butler Alfred, he told me that my parents said to get up and get ready. You see today was very special, it was the 7th celebration and appearance of the , Aurora Borealis of the Seventh Sun my sisters, brother, and I's coronation, not to mention technical birthday. My brother, sister, and I, were born under the last sunlight of this celebration, which means we were given the names of Guardians. So anyways, us Guardians, were going to be given our official titles, at today's coronation, not to mention, we were going to earn our royal titles. Well, after Alfred left, I put on my yellow guardian dress, my white flats, and my sun headband, and went downstairs to see my parents. My parents, were the King and Queen, of Two Land Sparks, which you see made me a princess. They were in the kitchen talking to one of our head guards Amber. The chef was cooking away filling the air with delicious smelling waffles, but I could feel tension in the air. Once Amber left I talked to my parents, they told me everything was ok, but deep down I knew everything wasn't. After breakfast my mother and father, and all my siblings loaded into our hover limo, and made our way to Righteous Valley. Once we got there, I saw that there were loads of people, waiting anxiously for the coronation to start. On a glass/crystal pedestal in the very center of the area lay the Super Emeralds, the Ultimate Super Emerald in the middle radiating off a rainbow light. My parents wished us luck and we took our seats on the stage in color coordinated chairs, depending on our fur color. On my left was my twin sister, Sora, and on my right, was......

Clover, stops and starts to tear up and, tears start rolling down her delicate blue cheeks.

"Clover.... you don't have to say it, if it makes you sad," Tails replies giving Clover a hug.

"Tha 'sniffle' nks," Clover replied returning the hug.

Anyways, we were all lined up in a half circle, it went white, lime green, dark purple, cyan ,yellow, orange, red, dark blue, and pink. I could tell by the atmosphere of the air, that everyone, even my eldest sister's Harper and Miley were nervous. I turned and looked at my siblings, and that is when the priest started talking.


"I object!," someone exclaimed with a loud voice.

Everyone turned to the source of the voice, and standing there was my evil Uncle Chaos. Everyone gasped and started to run away in panic. All of a sudden Chaos' shadow minions appeared and started attacking everything. My brother, sisters, and I, tried our best to stop them, but they were too strong. In about a couple minutes, they were all down, except me and my twin brother. I told my brother, that the only way, ( Clover pauses) that the only way to save ourselves was with the Super Emeralds. He told me to stay put, I protested, but he was already gone. I heard screams and laughing, and that's when I bravely looked around the corner. That monster, had seen by brother coming, and, and, he, he had opened a portal, and my brother was sucked inside, the Super Emeralds, gone with him. After the portal closed, Chaos said the words, To Stone, and every single person present at the coronation, was turned to stone. I gasped in shock, and Chaos turned and looked at me.

"Well,well,well, looky who we have here, Princess Clover, it's been awhile hasn't it," he scowled at me walking closer.

"Leave me alone," I scowled at him in irritation, "and free my family," I added quickly."

"Sorry no can do, but I won't turn you to stone, you have 10 seconds to run away, and hide before I send my army after you," Chaos replied with a smirk.

I hesitated, and then decided to run, so I turned the other way and ran, because, my life and other's people's lives depended on it. I hid inside the royal castle, in a secret room, hidden under my parents bed. Chaos searched day and night for me, but eventually he gave up, and started his empire. Chaos enslaved all my people, and turned the elders to stone. I hid in that room for 30 days, and then I left via skylight, and ran away from Two Land Sparks. I made a group of remaining heroes left, called The Guardians of The Universe. We fought Chaos for 6 years, until on the 7th year, when I was only 12, he attacked our hideout with all his strength. We all fought bravely, but we were outwitted and defeated, I was the only one that got away. I ran away as fast as I could and I trained and trained. Until a couple days ago, when I received a signal from the Super Emeralds telling me they were scattered on planets close to yours. So I packed up my things, and using the old Temple of Light for a magic source I opened a portal to your world, but I was followed by a few of my 'friends'. They attacked me and I accidentally knocked them through the portal, I am sorry to say , but they are somewhere on this world,........

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop them, the Temple of Light is really small, and the portal opened in the exact center of the room, there was no where else to throw them," Clover exclaimed sadly her face downcast.

"It's ok Clover, no nasty monsters, will get ya not as long as we're here," Sonic exclaimed with a thumbsup.

"No, you do not understand, Chaos' number 1 and number 2 were sent through, they are the best of the best, they alone took down the Guardians of the Universe," Clover replied quickly.

"Still, we won't let them hurt our new friend, right Sonic," Tails exclaimed with a smile.

"Right, Tails!" Sonic exclaimed with a thumbsup," so Clover, are you here looking for the Super Emeralds."

"Yes, yes, I am, why do you know where I can find one," Clover replied curiously.

"Well, I may not know where one could be, but I bet Nicole does, Sonic replied with a smirk.

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