Chapter #10: Cyan Super Emerald Achieved

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"Clover! How do we stop this thing," exclaimed Sonic dodging one of the Chaos Creatures tentacles.

" You have to destroy the gem on the top of its forehead," Clover exclaimed still trying in vain to escape the creatures grasp.

" Well, first I think we should focus on getting you away from that thing," Amy exclaimed running towards the creature, only to be swatted away with one of its tentacles.

" Guys, forget about me, find my Emerald!" Clover exclaimed with a serious tone.

" No way Clove, either we all get out, or none of us get out," Sonic exclaimed dodging one of the chaos creatures black magic blasts.

"OK, then distract it, I've got a plan!" Clover exclaimed with a wink.

" Alright, guys distract the chaos creature, Clover knows what she's doing," Sonic exclaimed with a thumbs up.

" And what happens if her plan fails," Amy exclaimed dodging a blast as well.

" Then we go to my plan," Sonic exclaimed pointing to Tails," leaving it to Tails."

" Really?" Tails declared hands on his hips.

" Guys!" Clover exclaimed giving them a ticked off look.

" Right, guys, split up and surround the chaos creature, make noise to distract it," Sonic exclaimed defiantly.

" Right!" Tails, Amy, and Cream announce, running to different sides of the creature banging against rocks on their way.

Sonic runs to join them and starts doing the same.

The Chaos Creature attempts to hit them, but they dodge with ease. Then Clover starts to put her plan in action. Clover very slowly lifts one of her hands, which were tucked under the tentacle that held her. Gingerly she moved her hand slowly under the tentacle. The tentacle that held her started to quiver. She continued, until the chaos creature had enough, and opened his tentacle and flung it out, freeing Clover in the process. Clover then proceeded to use that momentum, to fling herself towards a ledge.

" Yes it worked," exclaimed Clover holding onto the ledge.

The Creature retracted its tentacle, and came to the shocking realization, that Clover was no longer there. It spotted her on the ledge, and flung another tentacle at her. Clover was expecting this however, and flipped herself onto the ledge, by doing a back flip. The Creature's tentacle instead hit the rock, causing it to squeal in pain, causing our heroes to cover their ears.

" Ugh, that sound is disastrous," Amy exclaimed covering her ears.

" Tell me about it," Tails exclaimed, covering his as well.

The Chaos Creature stopped squealing, and while our heroes were recovering, he again launched a tentacle at Clover. Tails saw it coming though and immediately took to the air.

" Clover look out!" Tails declared flying to Clover, and pushing her out of the way, causing him to get caught instead.

"Tails!" exclaimed Clover.

The creature re-curled it's tentacle, and noticed that it had taken the yellow fox, instead of the blue one.

" Give him back!" screamed Clover in rage, and fright of Tails' safety.

Tails squirmed in the hold of the creature. The creature then noticed the rage of its prey, and launched another tentacle, this one aimed at Cream however.

" Ah!" exclaimed Cream, before she too was caught.

This only fueled Clover's rage even more however, and the chaos creature noticed this.

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