Chapter #9: Underwater Adventure

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Pearl, Sonic, Tails, Clover,  Amy, Cream, Razor, and Pearly slowly swim gracefully through the water, toward a giant hole in the ground. They stop swimming right above the giant hole.

"Here we go, the entrance to the  'Mirror Cavern', I'm sorry, but this is as far as I can take you, you'll have to go the rest of the way yourself," Pearl exclaimed.

" It's alright Pearl, we understand, thanks for taking us this far," Amy exclaimed with a smile.

" No problem, but promise me you'll be careful in there," Pearl declared.

" We promise Pearl, see you soon guys," exclaimed Sonic swimming towards the entrance of the hole, Tails, Amy and Cream following.

As Pearl, Razor and Pearly swim in the opposite direction back to Merabia, Clover looks back towards the endless ocean, and can't help, but think of her family.

" T......" Clover exclaimed with a sad tone.

Clover then proceeds to turn around and go after her friends, ready to face the challenges before her. Little does she know, in the shadows of a rock nearby, she is being watched.

( A couple minutes later)

" Argh, this place is so confusing," exclaimed Amy frustrated.

" I know, even I'm confused, I mean, this is the fifth time we've gone past this rock," declared Tails looking around at the rocky cave system around him.

Suddenly Clover gets a massive headache.

"Ugh," exclaimed Clover clutching her head floating down, her eyes closed in pain.

Clover!" Sonic exclaimed swimming after her, grabbing her under the arms and swimming her back up.

" Ugh, my head" Clover exclaimed, opening her lime green eyes.

" Clover, are you ok?" exclaimed Tails swimming to help Sonic.

" Yeah, I'm fine, I just sensed something really strong, I think we are getting close," Clover exclaimed, swimming out of Sonic's grasp.

" Umm, Mrs. Clover, are you sure, because it looks like we've been here before," exclaimed Cream, swimming up to them with Amy.

" I'm positive, follow me," exclaimed Clover leading the group to a hole on the top of one of the tunnels.

Slowly Sonic, Tails, Amy and Cream, follow Clover through the underwater cave system around them.

"Wow, this place really is complex," exclaimed Sonic, looking at the scenery around him.

" Hey Clover, quick question, how do you know that we are going the right way?" exclaimed Amy curiously.

"Umm, I can't really explain it, I just know!" Clover exclaimed, leading them to another tunnel, this one however went down.

" Well, that fills me with confidence," replied Amy sarcastically, following after Clover.

After an exhausting journey through the tunnels, Clover leads the group to a stream of water that lead straight into a cave with oxygen in it.

" Wow! This place is beautiful," exclaimed Cream at the sight of the cave, Cheese chaoing in response.

" Clover, are you sure the Emerald is here?" Sonic exclaims walking up to Clover who was inspecting the water in the middle of the huge cave.

" I'm 100% positive, my emerald is here somewhere," Clover exclaimed, turning to Sonic.

" Alright then gang, split up and search this cave, we don't leave until we find that Super Emerald" Sonic exclaimed with a thumbs up. 

" Yes Sir!" exclaimed Tails, Amy and Cream, walking away to explore different sections of the cave.

Sonic walks off, to check another part, but Clover goes back to staring at the water.

"Hmmm" Clover exclaims, putting her hand underneath her chin, staring intently at the water, when suddenly she sees something swimming towards the surface, something big and black.

Clover's eyes widen, " Everyone, get down!" She exclaims diving for the ground, everyone turning to her in response.

Suddenly out of the water emerges a humongous black creature, it had 8  black, long tentacles, a black octopus beak, blood red eyes, and on its forehead a big, purplish, black, diamond gem.

" Oh my gosh, what the heck is that thing!" exclaimed Amy summoning her hammer, getting into a fighting stance.

Clover gets up and just barely dodges one of the creatures tentacles.

" It's called a ' Chaos Creature'," Clover exclaimed also getting into a fighting stance followed by Sonic and Tails.

" What's a Chaos Creature, Mrs. Clover?" exclaimed Cream backing up and hiding behind a rock.

" It's an enemy from my world, and they are usually controlled by.." Clover exclaimed turning around to look at the cave around her, Them!" she exclaimed pointing to two abnormal shadows on a ledge.

" Controlled by shadows?" Sonic exclaimed confusedly.

" We are not just mere shadows simpleton" declared a unfamiliar voice.

" Hey, who said that?" exclaimed Tails looking around.

" There's no use in hiding anymore, I know you are there," Clover exclaims, doing a back flip to dodge yet another attempt by the creatures tentacles to grab her.

"Oh, princess, there always a reason to hide," exclaimed another unfamiliar voice, this one sounding more older than the other.

" No there isn't, not if your enemy knows your there," exclaimed Clover drawing her swords and throwing them at the shadows.

The swords hit the shadows and immediately disappear.

" Is that the best you've got Clover!" one of the voices announce, laughing, and sending a purple lightning streak to strike Clover.

Clover dodges with a front handspring , but the creature finally manages to catch her with one of their tentacles.

" Ugh" Clover exclaims squirming in its grasp.

" Clover!" Sonic exclaims running to Clovers rescue, only for a black lightning streak to strike the ground in front of him.

" Sonic! They must be the ' friends' Clover was talking about, you know the ones that followed her," Tails exclaimed flying to Sonic's side.

" You're right Tails!" Sonic exclaimed turning to him.

" Who are they?" exclaimed Amy, her and Cream joining Sonic and Tails side.

" The first and second command of Chaos Army," Clover exclaimed with a defiant grunt.

" Hahahahaha, so, Clover you told them about us, shame they'll never have the pleasure of meeting us," the younger voice announces.

" Tata for now Princess Clover, we will see each other again," the other older voice exclaimed, before both the shadows disappeared.

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