Chapter #11: Return to FF HQ

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After informing her friends about finding the emerald, Clover, lead Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Cream out of the Mirror Cavern. Once they found the exit, they found a worried Pearl, Razor, and Pearly waiting for them.

" Pearl, Razor, Pearly," exclaimed Amy swimming up to them.

" Oh thank Mobius you five are OK, we were just about to come in after you, did you find what you were looking for?" Pearl asked.

" Yup, we sure did, Clove?" Sonic exclaimed motioning to Clover.

Clover then proceeded to pull out the Cyan Blue Super Emerald, and show it to Pearl. Razor then notices Clover's new wardrobe.

" Hey! Since when were you wearing that?" He asks confusedly.

" It's a long story," Amy exclaims with a smile, causing Clover and Cream to giggle, Clover then snaps her fingers, transforming herself back to normal .

" That's not important Razor, what's important, is that our friends are OK," exclaimed Pearly with a grunt.

" OK, OK, Sorry Kiddo, you're right," Razor exclaimed patting Pearly's head.

" Well, we should probably make our way back to Merabia, follow me friends," Pearl exclaimed with a smile, gesturing for them to follow her.

Sonic, Amy, Cream, Razor, and Pearly proceed to follow Pearl.

Tails and Clover hang back a little bit.

" Clover, where are you going to put the emerald, you're not always just going to carry it, are you?" Tails exclaimed confusedly.

" Nope, watch this," Clover exclaimed, holding the emerald in one hand,leaving the other empty. She then proceeded to stick out her other arm, the one with the pearl bracelet, and instantly, the emerald disappeared, and one of the pearls on the bracelet, turned cyan blue.

" So that's why Aqua gave that to you," Tails exclaimed understandably. 

" Yup," exclaimed Clover, pulling her arms back in.

" Clover! Tails! Hurry up!" screamed Sonic to his friends.

" Coming!" they both announce in unity, swimming after their friends.

After our heroes said goodbye to their friends, they make their way back to FF HQ.

" I can't wait, to curl up in my bed and take a long nap," exclaimed Cream happily, Cheese chaoing in agreement.

" Hey, Sonic, Tails, I'm going to take Cream home, I'll see you guys tomorrow," Amy exclaimed walking away with Cream and Cheese," Oh, and Clover?" 

" Yeah Amy," exclaimed Clover confusedly, turning to look at Amy.

" It was nice meeting you!" Amy declared, with a wink, disappearing around a corner with Cream and Cheese.

" Wow! Clove, looks like you've earned Amy's friendship," Sonic exclaimed nudging Clover with a grin plastered on his face.

" Oh, I guess I did," exclaimed Clover with a smile, turning forward again.

" Let's go back to FF HQ, Sally must be worried about us," Tails announced rushing in the direction of the HQ.

" Wait for us Tails!" exclaimed Sonic, him and Clover following after Tails.

( 5 minutes later)

As Sonic, Tails, and Clover enter FF HQ, they are immediately swarmed with questions, which are immediately dismissed by Sally.

" About time you 3 got back," exclaimed Sally, with a smirk.

" What happened Sugahs, did you find Clover's Emerald?" exclaimed Bunny.

" Yeah, we did, but can we talk more about this later, I'm pooped" Sonic exclaimed with a sigh.

" Sure, I bet you 3 had a rough day," Sally exclaimed with a smile.

" Aunt Sally, where should Clover stay?" Tails exclaimed motioning to Clover, who immediately started to blush.

" She can stay here, at FF HQ with Rotor," Sally exclaimed, earning a nod from Rotor.

" Or, she can stay with us," Sonic exclaimed, putting his arms around Clover, and winking.

" If that's OK with you and Tails, Sonic, its fine with me," Sally exclaimed.

" Alright, Tails that cool with you?" Sonic exclaimed turning to Tails.

" Yeah, I'd love for Clover to stay with us," Tails exclaimed with a smile.

" Alright then that settles it, follow us Clove,"  exclaimed Sonic walking out of the HQ, Tails and Clover following.

( A half hour later)

After reaching Sonic and Tails home, they immediately gave Clover a tour and a room to stay in.

Clover now was on the balcony that was attached to her room, looking at the sunset smiling.

When suddenly a voice behind her exclaims," Wow! You really surprised me today."

Clover whips around to find Sonic leaning against the balcony door, looking at her.

" Oh, I uh hope that's a good thing," she exclaimed nervously.

" I like people who surprise me, you would be a great member for the Freedom Fighters," Sonic exclaimed coming over and standing next to Clover.

" Freedom Fighters?" Clover exclaimed turning to look at him.

" It's the group that Tails and I, and all our friends are apart of," Sonic exclaimed with a smile and a laugh.

" What's so funny?" exclaimed Clover nervously.

" Oh, Nothing, its just, I'd never thought I would meet someone like you, " Sonic exclaimed with a smirk.

" What's that suppose to mean?" Clover declared with an attitude, crossing her arms against her chest.

Sonic laughed again, and said," I say those things in the kindest way possible, it's just," he pauses and looks at the ground.

" Sonic?" Clover exclaims with a sad look, " Is everything OK?"

"Yeah, everything's fine," he exclaimed looking back up," It's just, I never thought I would meet someone so, spectacular."

Clover dropped her mouth in awe, and looked out at the sunset, Sonic doing the same.

" Well, I try to be," she exclaims with a smirk.

Sonic then puts his arm on her shoulder, and says," I promise that I will help you find, all 14 of those super emeralds, or die trying."

As they both look at the sunset, ending a long day, Clover thinks to herself.

"I'm finally not alone anymore."

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