Chapter #14: Sticky Situation

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Sonic, Tails, Clover, Rotor, Sally, and Nicole, slowly made their way toward Knothole Forest.

( about 20 minutes after they left)

" Ah, finally we made it, Knothole Forest," exclaimed Clover looking around at the beautiful forest before her.

" It's still beautiful," exclaimed Sonic with a smile.

" Yup, it really is hard to believe, that we used to live here," exclaimed Sally.

" Wait, you guys used to live here?" exclaimed Clover in shock.

" Yeah, we used to live in a secret village hidden by the trees, called coincidentally 'Knothole'," explained Rotor.

" Oh, so it was your home, before the new Knothole, I get it," exclaimed Clover understandably.

" Nicole, can you find the emeralds energy," Sally declared to Nicole.

" Scanning now Sally," explained Nicole, looking around her," no emerald energy able to be detected."

" We must be too far away," inquired Sally with a shrug.

" Then let's go more into the forest," said Tails with a hand gesture.

The heroes, follow Sally more deeper into the forest, our heroes walk for a good 10 minutes, before the silence is interrupted by a sound.

'Achoo!' sneezed Clover loudly.

" Whoa, Clover where did that come from," asked Rotor confusedly.

"I 'achoo' don't 'achoo' know," said Clover sneezing her head off.

" Clover, where did all this sneezing suddenly come from," Sonic inquired going over to Clover's side.

" Clover, do you think you might be allergic to one of these plants?" Sally asked, as Clover kept on sneezing.

" May 'achoo' be" Clover declared rubbing her nose.

" May I ask what you are allergic to Clover," Nicole asked questioningly.

" The 'achoo' only thin 'achoo' g that I 'achoo' 'm allerr' 'achoo' gic to, is 'achoo' a certain 'achoo' flower," Clover exclaims, having a sneezing fest.

" What kind of flower," asked Rotor.

" It 'achoo' s called 'achoo' a pinn 'achoo' k alethii 'achoo' a beau 'achoo' ty," Clover explained still sneezing her head off.

" Oh, that makes sense," explained Sally.

" Wh 'achoo' at 'achoo' mak 'achoo' es sen 'achoo' se," Clover asks still sneezing.

" The Knothole Forest is known for its Pink Alethia Beauty flowers, they basically are everywhere," Sally explained with a nervous look on her face.

" Oh 'achoo' tha 'achoo' ts 'achoo' bbb 'achoo' ad," explained Clover sneezing loudly.

" Maybe, one of us should take Clover back home, she's in no condition to be out here," explained Nicole worriedly.

" Nnn 'achoo' o, thh 'achoo' ese 'achoo' are my ress 'achoo' ponsibilii 'achoo' ty, which mee 'achoo' ns, ' achoo' this is mm 'achoo' y problee 'achoo' m," Clover declared defiantly, still sneezing.

"Ok, are you positive Clove," Sonic explained questioningly.

" Yeee ' achoo' sss 'achoo' I'm posss 'achoo' itive," said Clover defiantly, all the while still sneezing.

"OK, then let's continue," exclaimed Sonic, walking forwards once again.

The group continues to walk deeper into Knothole Forest, when suddenly Clover collapses on the ground.

" CLOVER!" everyone yells in fright.

Clover now lay sprawled out on the ground her eyes twitching with pain. Sonic runs over along with Tails, and pulls Clover into a sitting position.

"Clover, are you OK," Tails exclaimed in fright,

Clover slowly opens her eyes and clutches her head," what, 'achoo' happeee 'achoo ned," she exclaimed in pain.

" You collapsed on the ground suddenly," Sally exclaimed coming over to help along with Rotor and Nicole.

" I I 'achoo' did," exclaimed Clover, not clutching her aching head anymore.

"Clover, what happened, did you sense the emerald" exclaimed Sonic questioningly.

" I I I 'achoo' think I I 'achoo' did," Clover exclaimed, still sneezing.

"OK, then lead the way," Sally declared to Clover.

" Ok," exclaimed Clover, leading the heroes deeper into the forest.

Our heroes go another 10 minutes, until they suddenly run into a problem. Clover continues to lead them through the forest, all the while sneezing. Clover leads them around a bend, and they suddenly plummet into a hole, with a giant spiderweb in it.

" Ugh! I'm stuck!" exclaimed Sally squirming in the sticky web.

" So are we," exclaimed Sonic worriedly.

Suddenly out of the shadows, appeared a gigantic spider.

" Ah! Giant Spider!" Rotor exclaims in fear, squirming harder than the rest.

" No one make a sound," exclaimed Tails silently.

Everyone immediately goes quiet. Clover feels a sneeze coming on, and since her arms were kinda stuck to the web, she couldn't use them to muffle the sound. Tense seconds past until Clover loudly sneezed.

" 'Aaaaa..chooooo'," Clover sneezed loudly, earning the spider's attention.

The Spider gingerly makes its way towards Clover, claws at the ready to strike.

" Clover! " Sonic shouts quietly.

The Spider reaches Clover, Clover starts squirming like mad.

" We have to help her," Sally exclaimed quietly.

The Spider begins to lunge it's claws at her, and Clover looks up into its red eyes.

"Clover!" Everyone shouts in fear of their friends fate.

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