Chapter #8: The Emerald of the Sea

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" Argh, Why did it have to be the OCEAN!" Sonic exclaimed with a snarl, walking down the smooth sands of the ocean coast.

" Um, Sonic? Do you have a problem with the water?" Clover exclaimed, turning around to look at Sonic.

" Um, No!" Sonic announced, flicking his wrist.

" We are almost there Sonic, just a couple more feet," explained Tails, staring intently down at the radar, and the blinking stationary blue dot.

" So, what happens if your Emerald is under the water?" Amy exclaimed to Clover.

" Um, then I guess, we'll have to go for a swim," Clover exclaimed, earning a snarl from Sonic.

" I'm a good swimmer," Cream announced sweetly with a smile, skipping next to Amy.

" Stop!" Announced Tails, leading them to the water's edge.

" Is my Emerald, down there Tails?"
Exclaimed Clover looking down into the depths of the ocean.

" Yup, about 12 miles under," Tails exclaimed.

" 12 miles under, Wow, I don't even want to know how it got down there," Clover exclaimed bending down and putting her hand in the water.

" So, how are we going to get it?" Amy exclaimed looking down into the ocean as well.

" Maybe, I can help," exclaimed Razor the Shark coming out of the waters.

"Razor!" Amy shouts running up and hugging the shark.

" Heya Razor, how you doing," exclaims Sonic coming up and giving Razor a high five.

" Hi Sonic, hi Amy, Rotor called ahead and said you guys were coming, so I brought some water amulets for you guys," Razor exclaimed giving everyone a water amulet.

"Thanks Razor," Sonic exclaimed putting on his water amulet.

" No Problem," Razor exclaims, and then notices Cream, and Tails," Umm Sonic, who are your friends?" Razor confusedly exclaimed.

" Oh, Razor, meet my buddy Tails," Sonic exclaimed putting his arm around Tails' shoulder.

" Hi Razor, Sonic told me all about you," exclaimed Tails with a smile.

" Oh, and this is my best friend Cream," exclaimed Amy, putting her arm around Cream.

" Hello Mister Razor, it's nice to meet you, my name is Cream, and this is my very special Chao friend Cheese," Cream exclaimed sweetly with a smile, indicating to Cheese, who was flying around her head.

" Well, it's very nice to meet both of you, Huh?" Razor exclaims, but stops when he sees Clover.

"Umm Sonic, who is she?" exclaims Razor, indicating to Clover.

" Oh, and this is Clover, she's our newest friend," exclaimed Sonic.

" Hello, I really appreciate your help," exclaimed Clover shaking Razors hand.

" It's no problem," Razor exclaimed with a small smile.

" Well, let's go, Pearl, and Pearlly are expecting you," exclaimed Razor wading into the ocean.

" Alright, let's move team," exclaimed Sonic wading in as well, Amy and Cream behind him.

Clover backs up, Tails notices she isn't coming in.

" Hey Clover, are you scared of the water too," Tails exclaims, causing everyone to turn around.

" Nope, I wanted to do, this! Clover exclaims, sprinting to the water's edge, and diving in.

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