Chapter #3: Ambush by the Destructix

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People say nature is suppose to calm the mind, and that is exactly while world renowned hero Sonic the Hedgehog and his loyal sidekick Tails were taking advantage of the beautiful day. There were walking in the Great Forest because Eggman had been quiet ever since he thought he got rid of Tails,( probably partying).

"Ugh this. is. soooooo. boring!" Sonic exclaims plopping onto a tree trunk. Tails sits down next to him.

"It's not that bad Sonic, at least it's peaceful and we don't have to fight anything or anyone," announced Tails turning to look at Sonic.

"Yeah I guess you're right," Sonic says putting his arm around Tails' shoulders.

"Ohh I don't know blue, I think he's wrong!" says a mysterious voice hidden in the shadows of the trees.

"Who goes there," Sonic says standing in front of Tails protectively.

"Aww you can't tell, it really has been a long time since we've seen each other, hasn't it," said the figure with an obvious smirk.

"Who. Are. You," Sonic demanded looking around looking for the mysterious figure determined to protect Tails.

" I am getting sick of this, you want to see who I am hedgehog, Lookup, said the figure angrily.

" Fine!" Sonic exclaims and looks up only to be knocked down by someone.

The figure gets off of Sonic, "This is who I am Sonic," says the figure removing her black hood.

Sonic looks up," Fiona!" Sonic exclaims standing up his mouth agape.

The now revealed Fiona the fox nods, "It's been awhile hasn't it blue," Fiona exclaims smirking at Sonic.

" It has, I thought you were with Scourge in anti Mobius," Sonic exclaims, but suddenly came to a realization that Tails was no longer behind him," Hey! What have you done to Tails, Fiona," Sonic shouts at Fiona angrily.

"Look behind you blue," Fiona says smirking.

Sonic looks behind him and sees Tails handcuffed to a tree branch guarded by Sleuth Dawg, and Predator Hawk who was covering his mouth.

Fiona walks in front of Sonic, blocking his view of Tails, and sneers,"cooperate and your little sidekick will be fine, refuse and," Fiona motions to Predator Hawk, Predator Hawk takes one of his claws and puts it to Tails' throat," refuse, well refuse and Tails' dies," Fiona sneers looking into Sonic's eyes.

"You. Wouldn't. Dare," Sonic exclaims, taking a threatening step towards Fiona.

"Oh, blue I would dare," Fiona says, motioning up with her finger. Suddenly the remaining Destructix members, SGT. Simian, Flying Frog, Drago Wolf , and Lightning Lynx, appear and jump on top of Sonic, pinning him to the ground. Predator Hawk uncovers Tails mouth and goes over to help tie Sonic up.

"Get off of him," screams Tails struggling against the handcuffs.

"So hedgehog, what is your choice," Fiona exclaims going over to the now bound hedgehogs side.

"I'll do whatever you want, 'sigh', just don't hurt Tails," Sonic exclaims looking at Tails who was looking back.

"Very well then,"Fiona exclaims walking over to Tails, and uncuffing him from the tree, Tails is then dragged next to Sonic and his hands handcuffed behind him.

"Now, Fiona what in the world do you want?," Sonic exclaims all eyes on Fiona.

"All I want hedgehog, is the locations of all 7 Chaos Emeralds," Fiona exclaims looking Sonic dead in the eyes.

"WHAT!" Sonic and Tails exclaimed flabbergasted.

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