Chapter #13: The Emerald of Nature

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After the party, Sonic and Tails took Clover back to their house, to take a well deserved rest.

Clover decided to wake up early, and make Sonic and Tails breakfast, to thank them for everything. She prepared a meal composed of pancakes, with whip cream, chocolate syrup, strawberries, and sausage. Gingerly, Clover doesn't make a sound, as she prepares the perfect breakfast. Clover opens a cupboard, and grabs two glasses, and then proceeds to take out, Orange Juice, and Apple Juice. Clover accidentally in the process, hits a pan off the counter.

" Dang it!" exclaims Clover as she cringed,at the sound," I hope they didn't hear that."

Unbeknownst to Clover, Sonic and Tails had indeed heard the sound, and were rushing downstairs, to check if she was OK.

"Clover, we are under attack! Get Down!" exclaimed Tails running into the kitchen with Sonic.

They look at Clover, and she looks back.

" Um, we aren't under attack, I just dropped a pan," Clover exclaimed nervously.

"Oh, are you making us breakfast?" Sonic exclaimed questioningly.

" Um, more like I already made you guys breakfast," exclaimed Clover moving out of the way, to show her perfectly made breakfast.

"Clover," exclaimed Tails shocked.

" You didn't have too," exclaimed Sonic shocked as well.

" I wanted to, you guys have been so nice to me, I wanted to do something to show my appreciation," Clover exclaimed with a genuine smile.

" It was our pleasure Clover," Tails exclaimed.

Sonic, Tails, and Clover sit down at the table and begin to eat breakfast, when suddenly there is a knock at the door. Sonic gets up to get the door. Sonic answers the door, and at the door is a panting Rotor the Walrus.

"Rotor, whoa, it looks like you've run a marathon," Sonic exclaims with a smirk.

"Sonic 'pant' I 'pant' found another 'pant' super emerald," exclaimed Rotor, out of breath.

" You did!" exclaimed Clover, running to the door in a rush.

" Yeah, me and Nicole sensed the same energy as in the ocean, last night, in Knothole Forest," exclaimed Rotor, finally regaining his breath.

"Really?" Clover announced happily," at this rate, I'll find all 14 in no time!"

" Right Clove, and we'll help you find them," exclaimed Sonic with a thumbs up.

" Knothole Forest, Huh?" Tails exclaimed joining his friends at the door.

" Yeah, and by the position, I can only guess, that is is the ' Emerald of Nature', like the other one was the 'Emerald of the Sea'," explained Clover with a smile.

"Cool, so what are we waiting for, let's go," exclaimed Sonic with a grin.

"Right!" declared Tails,Clover, and Rotor.

They all leave the house, and rush in the direction of FF HQ.

Sonic, Tails, Clover, and Rotor walk down the stairs into FF HQ, only to see Sally there waiting for them alongside Nicole.

" We're coming with you," exclaimed Sally, before anyone could say anything.

" Sal, are you sure," exclaimed Sonic questioningly at Sally.

" I'm positive, me and Nicole are coming with you, no buts," exclaimed Sally handing Rotor a map of their destination.

" Alright Sal, I wasn't going to argue, I was just going to say welcome aboard," exclaimed Sonic with a smirk, earning a giggle from Tails.

" You really think you're funny, don't you hedgehog?" inquired Sally with a smirk.

" I don't think I'm funny, I know I'm funny," exclaimed Sonic with a grin.

" Hardy har har, let's just get moving, we'll talk about this later" exclaimed Sally walking up the steps, followed by Clover, Nicole, and Rotor.

Tails turns and smirks at Sonic, and then follows as well.

" Wait, talk about what later!" shouted Sonic running after Sally as well.

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