Chapter #4: New Friend

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The portal opens and I fall head first onto the ground, Ow I exclaimed getting up and rubbing my head. I hear voices arguing, and I wonder if I've made it to my destination. I slowly walk towards the noise, I get closer and closer, until I can hear the voices clearly. I hide behind a bush and peek out to see a fox and a hedgehog tied up, in the middle of 7 other creatures. I got to help them I exclaim, jumping up into a tree to wait for the right moment.

Sonic and Tails POV

"Why in the world, out of everything you could ask for, is it the Chaos Emeralds," Sonic exclaims harshly.

"Because, I was hired by Eggman to retrieve them from you," Fiona exclaims pacing back and forth in front of Sonic and Tails.

" Well, in that case tough luck," Tails exclaims angrily.

"Oh, I wasn't asking you Tails, and you better shut your mouth," Fiona says glaring at Tails.

"Make me," exclaims Tails bitterly.

"Alrighty then if you say so," Fiona chuckles," Simian, Frog, Lynx show Tails his place please," Fiona exclaims looking into Tails sky blue eyes.

"Roger!" SGT. Simian, Flying Frog, and Lightning Lynx exclaimed walking toward Tails.

"Come here Brat," Flying Frog exclaims reaching for Tails, when suddenly he is hit by a rock.

"Hey! Who Threw That!" he exclaims rubbing the back of his head and whipping around.

Fiona walks to the middle of the clearing and shouts," Come out Coward, only people who are scaredy cats hide from me."

" I am not scared," shouts an unknown voice.

"Then Prove it," shouts Fiona, giving her team the signal to prepare for an attack.

"If you say so," says the figure in an ignorant voice. The figure jumps down, revealing themselves to the Destructix.

" So, who do you think you are shorty, interrupting my own personal business," exclaims Fiona motioning to the captive Sonic and Tails.

" I think I am a person who defends others who can't defend themselves," says the cloaked figure.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," All the Destructix laugh.

"You may laugh now, but not for long," the figure exclaims with a smirk.

"Oh really, and who is going to stop us, You!," exclaims Drago Wolf jokingly.

" Actually, yes, yes I am," exclaims the figure getting into a fighting pose.

" Listen Kid, just leave before you get hurt," screams Sonic to the figure.

" Sorry, I can't do that, what kinda person would I be," exclaims the figure springing into action. While the Destructix are laughing at their words, the figure kicks SGT. Simian and Flying Frog in the heads causing them to pass out. Then they take down Lightning Lynx, Predator Hawk, and Sleuth Dawg, with 4 other kicks, until only Fiona and Drago remained.

" You insolent little pest," screams Fiona running for the figure. The figure jumps out of the way causing Fiona to run straight into a tree and pass out.

"Boss!" screams Drago before he too, is unconscious with the rest of his team.

" Well, that wasn't soooo hard," exclaims the figure, grabbing the keys to Sonic and Tails binds. The figure then walks over to them and frees them.

Sonic and Tails stand up and stare at the figure.
" What," the figure exclaims, " you are acting like you've never seen a girl kick butt before."

" Umm, sorry, it's just that those 7 are really tough and one ordinary person shouldn't be able to take them all down," exclaimed Sonic.

" Oh, well that's where you're wrong, I'm no ordinary person," exclaimed the figure removing their cloak. Underneath the figures cloak was a young girl fox, she is pale blue,has lime green eyes, and is wearing a full set of knight armor, swords included.

'Wow!" Tails exclaims at the sight of the girl," Who are you?"

"Oh, but pardon my manners, but I think it is protocol for men to introduce themselves to a lady first," the girl exclaims.

"Oh, sorry," Sonic exclaims," My name is Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog,"Sonic replied with a smile.

"Oh, and my name is, Miles Prower, but all my friends call me Tails," Tails replies with a bow.

"Oh, well it's very nice to meet you, Sonic and Tails my name is," the girl exclaims removing her helmet so the two heroes can see her face," my name is Princess Clover of Two Land Sparks, but you can call me Clover," the now revealed Cover replies and smiles.

"WAIT! You're a princess!" Sonic and Tails exclaim.

"Yes, yes I am, well, not in this dimension, but in mine I am," Clover replies with a smile.

"Well, why are you here Princess Clover, you must be really far away from home," Sonic exclaims.

"Well, you see, I am here, to well, ummm, retrieve the Super Emeralds, so I can beat the evil monster that has enslaved my home," Clover replies quickly her face downcast.

"Super Emeralds, what are Super Emeralds," Tails replies confusedly.

"Oh, you've never heard of the Super Emeralds," Clover exclaims surprisingly," well let me be the one to tell you the Story of the Gems of the Sky, also known in other galaxies as the Super Emeralds,"

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