Chapter #12: Party for New Friend

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Waking up early in the morning, is something that Clover has come to enjoy, except for today. Which is a good thing too, for Sonic and Tails, had big plans for today, involving the certain female blue fox.

Tails slowly creeps up the stairs and carefully opens the door to Clover's room. He peeks in and sees Clover, sleeping peacefully on the Queen size bed. He sighs in relief and carefully closes the door. He then makes his way back downstairs, and into the kitchen.

" Sonic, Good news, Clover is still fast asleep," Tails announced, coming and sitting next to the blue hedgehog, who was sitting at the counter.

" Good, thanks for checking for me Tails," Sonic exclaimed ruffling Tails' three hairs on his head.

" No problem," exclaimed Tails laughing, pushing Sonic's hand away.

Sonic gets up and goes over to his phone, picking it up and punching in Sally's number. Sonic waits until he hears a sleepy 'Hello', from the receiver.

" Hey Sal, I was wondering if we could do something special for Clover today?" Sonic exclaimed questioningly.

" Something like what?" exclaimed Sally from the other side.

" Something like a party Aunt Sally," exclaimed Tails, coming over to the phone.

" A party?" Sally exclaimed shocked.

" Yes, Sal a party, we think Clove deserves it," Sonic exclaimed with confidence.

" Please Aunt Sally, we want to welcome Clover to Mobius, and thank her for saving us," exclaimed Tails through the phone.

" Oh Alright, but I'm only doing this because I love you two," exclaimed Sally, an obvious smile on her face.

" Could we have it at FF HQ?" Tails questioned.

" Sure, I'll let Nicole, and everyone else know, just keep Clover busy, I'll handle the rest," Sally exclaimed, hanging up the phone.

Sally hangs up and Sonic turns to look at Tails.

"Well Tails, looks like operation 'Thank Clover' is a go," exclaimed Sonic with a thumbs up.

" Yeah!" exclaimed Tails with a huge smile.

( Meanwhile with a certain sleepy vixen)

Clover slowly opens her sleepy lime green eyes, and sits up in her bed.

" Ah, I haven't slept that well, in a long time!" Clover declared kicking her feet over the edge of the bed, and standing up.

She then proceeded to go over to the wardrobe in the corner, and take out her armor set. She puts it on, and then goes over to the dresser in her room, and starts to brush her hair. All the while thinking, " I have a feeling today, is going to be a great day!"

(Meanwhile back with two secret party planners)

" Tails, I think Clover's awake, why don't you go up there, and give her this," exclaimed Sonic giving Tails a tray with waffles, strawberries, sausage, and apple juice on it.

" Roger Sonic," exclaimed Tails, taking the tray, and making his way upstairs.

Tails walks up to Clover's door and knocks.

( Meanwhile with Clover)

'Knock' 'Knock'

" Come in," Clover replied, continuing to brush her hair.

Tails opens the door and comes in.

" Good morning Clover," exclaimed Tails, coming in, and setting the tray full of food onto the nightstand next to the bed.

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