Chapter #18: Nack vs. Clover

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" I can't believe Breezy! I mean, using the fate of Clover's planet for entertainment," Tails exclaimed frustratingly, throwing his arms into the air in exasperation.

" We all knew this wasn't going to be easy, so we might as well play by her rules," exclaimed Knuckles, sitting down on one of the couches in their hotel room.

" I know, but still," Tails declared frustratingly, with his arms crossed over his chest.

Sonic comes over and puts his hand around Tails shoulder.

" We don't like it anymore than you do Tails, but there is literally nothing we can do," Sonic exclaimed softly.

" ' Sigh' I guess you're right Sonic, thanks" Tails exclaimed, with a small smile.

" No problem Tails," exclaimed Sonic, giving Tails a noogie.

" Clover how are you so ok with this, but Tails isn't?" Knuckles exclaimed turning to Clover, who was looking at the sunset, out on the balcony.

Clover didn't answer him, she was too focused on the sun.

" Clover, Clover!" Sonic exclaimed loudly, causing Clover to turn around suddenly.

" Huh, Oh, I don't really know Knuckles, honestly, I rather not participate in this stupid championship," Clover exclaimed, exiting the balcony, and sitting on the big blue couch next to Knuckles.

" Well, we can't just steal it, can we?" Knuckles exclaimed with a small smile, turning to Sonic.

" No Knuckles, we can't steal it, we aren't thieves," Sonic declared gesturing with his hands, causing Knuckles to stop smiling and frown.

" Well, I think we should stop worrying about this for now, and just wait and see what happens tomorrow," Clover exclaims, getting up and stretching her arms.

Clover walks to a door in the wall, and opens it," Goodnight guys," she exclaims walking inside, and closing the door after her.

" Well, I think it's about time we go to bed too, come on Tails," Sonic exclaimed, walking to another door in the wall, followed by Tails.

" Goodnight Knuckles," exclaimed Tails, before he and Sonic disappeared inside their room, closing the door behind them.

" Goodnight guys," Knuckles exclaimed, going over to another one of the doors in one of the walls, he opens it, and closes the door after him.

Meanwhile with Clover, Clover was at the moment, staring out the balcony in her room looking at the moon, when suddenly a flashback comes to her mind.

' Clover was sitting on a beautiful hill, covered with blue, red, and golden flowers. She was watching the sunset, moving her hand, to the beat of the sun's descent. Suddenly from behind her, she hears footsteps, and a voice that exclaims, There you are, I was wondering where you disappeared off to. As a young Clover whips around to come face to face with the person, the memory fades.

Suddenly tears start streaming down Clover's face.

" I made a promise to him, and I'm not about to break that promise," Clover declared clenching her fists in rage.

As she lays down upon her bed, she whispers," You can count on it T."

The next morning, everyone got up super early, preparing for the first round of the championship.

" Wow, I slept like a rock," Knuckles exclaimed stretching his arms, exiting his room.

" Us too," exclaimed Tails, coming out of his room followed by Sonic, who at this time was yawning.

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