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i sighed as the wind blew through my hair. resting my head on the seat, i closed my eyes as jason started speaking to me.

"did you enjoy yourself?"

i nodded my head. "mhmm."

i heard him sigh, but i thought nothing of it. i opened my eyes and looked at him. he was smirking.

i furrowed my eyebrows, cocking my head to the side. what was he smirking at?

minutes later, we pulled up in front of jason's house. i closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. just as i was about to reach for the handle, the door flew open. my eyes widened as i saw jason standing there with a smirk on his face. i raised an eyebrow.

jason unbuckled my seatbelt and gently pulled me out of the car. he closed the door before locking it and wrapped one of his arms around me. we walked into the house. as soon as i finished taking off my shoes, i was lightly slammed into the wall behind me.

a gasp escaped from my mouth as i was face to face with jason. he licked his lips before speaking.

"did i tell you how good you look in this camo?"

i didn't say anything. i just continued to stare at him with wide eyes.

one of his hands reached up and caressed my face. his other hand raised up my shirt a little bit as he gripped my waist,

i swallowed hard as he looked down at me. looking down, i heard him chuckle. he pressed his body against mine and i gasped as i felt his hard on against my leg.

i looked at him and he just smirked. he moved my hair from around my neck and quickly placed his lips there in one swift motion. my eyes widened as he started to swirl his tongue and suck on my neck. he found my sweet spot and oh my god i almost died.

seconds later, once i realized what was happening, i used all of my strength to push jason off of me. he fell back a few feet and stared at me with a shocked look on his face. he started to look angry so i did the only thing i could think of. i ran.

i quickly turned and ran up towards the stairwell, skipping steps, i prayed to god that i wouldn't fall. thanfully, i made it up perfectly. i started running faster as i heard jason's footsteps behind me. i ran all the way down to the end of the hallway and into a random room i haven't been in before. slamming the door, i locked it and ran into the bathroom. i closed and locked that door also.

a gasp escaped my mouth as i heard jason roughly banging on the door. i looked around the bathroom and my eyes lit up as i saw a window. i ran over to it and moved the blinds out of my way. i wanted to cry when i saw that there was a lock on it. but, i came this far and i wasn't going to stop now.

i looked around frantically for something to break the lock with. not seeing anything laying around, i looked in the drawers and the cabinets. i jumped as i heard a big bang. then, i heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom.

oh, fuck.

i looked under the sink and my eyes lit up once again when i saw a wrench. i quickly grabbed it and started slamming it against the lock. jason's banging got louder as my slamming got harder. after about five more tries to lock busted open.

"jupiter i will give you one chance to open this door."

my hands started to shake as i quickly removed the lock from the window. struggling, i pushed the window open. i poked my head out to see how far i was from the ground. thankfully, it wasn't that far.

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